"Renting the Lincoln Bedroom"
Republicans have "sold" a lot of Americans on the idea that democrats are amoral people.. They squealed like stuck piggies about the "White House Coffees" and the "renting of the Lincoln Bedroom" ......the pardons..the "faux/unphotographed trashing" of the white house, and the thefts of Air Force One property, and the removal of furniture from the white house... and of course "the case of the missing "w"s" from the computer keyboards.
So MANY scandals.....and the volume was cranked up to EARDRUM SPLITTING day in and day out.. None of these "scandals" proved to be anything but propaganda, yet their refutations rarely appeared in the press, and we still hear them repeated as fact from time to time.
We saw them blocking traffic and chanting in front of a house that Al Gore had every legal right to live in...we saw them "storming the Bastille" trying to stop votes from being counted....
The press never missed an opportunity to glamorize the republican quest for decency. They were the quixotic, neatly pressed,squeaky clean youngsters out to return the country to innocence, modesty, godliness and "truth, justice and the American way".
Instead of portraying them as the greedy, OLD-moneyed, fat-cat corporatist party they really are, republicans are usually shown as "youthful", "eager", "helpful"..and a plethora of other adjectives. They are shown this way because the rich old greedy ones know what "sells".. Youth and enthusiasm are appealing across the board, and they are also easier to indoctrinate. Cults do most of their recruiting in colleges and on the streets where Young people congregate.
So now, one of their "inner circle", a guy who has been to Crawford with the Pres, probably on AF One too, Scotty's face lights up when he calls on him... He may not have slept in the Lincoln Bedroom, but then again.......hmmmm..
What media outlet is keeping track of who sleeps in the Lincoln bedroom these days? Is it only pertinent in a democratic administration? Of course *² spends as little time as possible there, so maybe the sleepovers don't even happen anymore. Coukd THAT be when Scotty & his friends :use: the place??:evilgrin:.. Maybe Jeffie HAS partied in the Lincoln Bedroom after all..