Edited on Wed Sep-10-03 01:42 PM by el_gato
Why did Ashcroft stop flying domestic airlines a month before 9/11? Because they knew!
The questions surrounding this issue need to be asked and the answers need to be provided.
If Bush knew nothing about this in advance, as he says, (the FBI screwed up and lost all that important information in a bureaucratic swamp), then how did they figure out within a few hours that Bin Laden did it from the caves in Pakistan?
If Bush knew nothing of a coming attack, why did his brother Jeb so providently proclaim martial law in Florida?
Does the preponderance of evidence of obstruction of terrorist investigations within the FBI indicate a suspect pattern worthy of thorough investigation and 'housecleaning'?
Why on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001 was Anne Tatlock CEO and President of Fiduciary and Franklin and a group of other CEO's from the WTC at a charity event hosted by Warren Buffett at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha Nebraska? Fiduciary's offices were spread among the 92nd through 97th floors of the south tower. Tatlock said she was pretty amazed to see the second plane hit her office as she watched it happen from a television set in safety at Offutt AFB. Soon after the President and the Vice President arrived at Offutt AFB and hid out in the underground bunker. Is this a miraculous coincidence or stroke of luck for Tatlock and the other CEO's?
Have you wondered why Bush continued to read with children in a classroom on 9/11 about a pet goat after he was told that the WTC was burning and America was under attack from terrorists?
Why didn't George W Bush in August when he got intelligence briefings about hijackings warn the airlines, the FAA and the people about impensing plane hijackings, especially since he threatened war against the Taliban in secret? George W Bush could have at least called former Mayor Hooligani to tell people to get out of both Towers after the first aircraft hit the first tower based on What George W Bush knew. Also why didn't George W Bush have the airforce out to protect the second tower and the pentagone and other federal buildings after the first plane hit the first tower? Oh and how could the Bush administration claim not to believe that hijackers would use planes as bombs? Did George W Bush ever learn about Kamikaze pilots during World War II?
If the administration, FAA, Military had no foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks, why were ALL flights from London to the US the morning of 9/11 CANCELLED a full 2 and a half hours before the first airplane crashed, the passengers on these flights from the UK having been told that it was "due to air traffic control problems in WASHINGTON DC"???
Here are the words of a Bush White House official, published in The New Yorker Magazine on 1/14/02. (Article by Lawrence Wright) "Meanwhile, intelligence had been streaming in concerning a likely Al Qaeda attack. It all came together in the third week in June, 2001," (Richard A.) Clarke said. "The CIA's view was that a major terrorist attack was coming in the next several weeks." (The article continues)"On July 5th, Clarke summoned ALL the domestic security agencies -- the FAA, the Coast Guard, Customs, the INS, and the FBI -- and told them to increase their security in light of an impending attack." Well, there it is. Richard Clarke was Clinton's National Coordinator for Security and Counter-Terrorism, still on the same job with G.W. Bush. Clarke reported to Condoleeza Rice, who reports daily to Bush. So how can Bush say "we didn't know"? And why is Richard A. Clarke -- still in the White House as of last October -- not heard of and not heard from????? He has admitted the intelligence "all came together in the third week of June," and all agencies were notified of an imminent domestic attack.
If the Bush Admin had no advance warning of the attack, how in the world could they have identified the 19 hijackers, many of whom must surely have used aliases, in all of 24 hours????
Newsweek, Sept 24, 2001, p.34 "On Sept. 10, Newsweek has learned, a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns." Why has nothing been explained about this? Why were the victims of the three fated planes on 9-11 not given the same warning? This must be looked into by an independent investigation and the administration must stop impeding access to the information.