from today's washington post, by Howie Kurtz.....
The X-rated twist has made for a lot of clandestine clicking in a town where Deep Throat conjures images not of a porn star but of a man in a parking garage. But it has also deepened the debate over blogging and the tactics used to drive a conservative reporter from his job as White House correspondent for two Web sites owned by a Republican activist.
In most Beltway melodramas, the resignation ends the story. The problem for Gannon, whose real name is James Dale Guckert, is that he told The Washington Post and CNN's Wolf Blitzer last week that he never launched the Web sites whose provocative names he had registered, such as But a Web designer in California said yesterday that he had designed a gay escort site for Gannon and had posted naked pictures of Gannon at the client's request.
The latest developments were first reported by John Aravosis, a liberal political consultant and gay activist who has a Web site called "What struck me initially was the hypocrisy angle," Aravosis said. He said he was offended by what he called Gannon's "antigay" writing.
........howie is accusing bloggers of character assasination of a reporter, HOWIE, GANNON IS A FAKE REPORTER, and no one is persecuting him out here in cyberspace over nothing. the man is a fake fucking reporter working for the white house and c.i.a.
and howie is the one that seems to have taken the story to the mainstream media, what the hell?