better not ask the teens..
-----, February 15, 2005
Over 40% of Canadian teens think U.S. is evil
There's a lot to like about the attitude in Canada. The country is progressive about environmental protection, recycling, personal responsibility and public education. In Canada, violent crime rates are extremely low, the kids are smart, and the education of its adult citizens remains relatively high.
It's no surprise, then, that a large portion of Canadian teens think the U.S. is evil. It's also true among Canadian adults. And the cause for all this? Mainly the Bush Administration, the war on Iraq and the utter lack of global responsibility practiced by the United States in so many ways: rampant consumerism, lack of environmental responsibility, lack of business ethics, and just plain lack of friendliness.
I'm still glad to be an American citizen, but I don't think today's America reflects the true nature and heritage of our country, and Canadians are right to point out how far we've gotten off track as a country.
I say, if you're pissing off the Canadians, you're doing something wrong. Our friends in Canada are relatively mild mannered. You have to be really screwing up to get 40% of the country to think you're evil. Related articles on this topic are also available on the NewsTarget Network, including: Bush Administration Censors Scientists In Order to Promote A Distorted, Politically Motivated Scientific View.