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For no more I'll go waltzing Matilda

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protect freedom impeach bush now Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-10-03 12:34 PM
Original message
For no more I'll go waltzing Matilda
Edited on Wed Sep-10-03 12:43 PM by protect freedom impe
How many soldiers will NEVER be 'waltzing Matilda' again ?
How many soldiers will NEVER see their feet again ?
How many soldiers will NEVER see their toes again?

The PNAC does not care.

Soldiers who can no longer dance is not the worry of
the war profiteers PNAC.


The Band Played Waltzing Matilda
By Eric Bogle

When I was a young man I carried my pack
And I lived the free life of a rover
From the Murrays green basin to the dusty outback
I waltzed my Matilda all over
Then in nineteen fifteen my country said Son
It's time to stop rambling 'cause there's work to be done
So they gave me a tin hat and they gave me a gun
And they sent me away to the war
And the band played Waltzing Matilda
As we sailed away from the quay
And amidst all the tears and the shouts and the cheers
We sailed off to Gallipoli

How well I remember that terrible day
How the blood stained the sand and the water
And how in that hell that they called Suvla Bay
We were butchered like lambs at the slaughter
Johnny Turk he was ready, he primed himself well
He chased us with bullets, he rained us with shells
And in five minutes flat he'd blown us all to hell
Nearly blew us right back to Australia
But the band played Waltzing Matilda
As we stopped to bury our slain
We buried ours and the Turks buried theirs
Then we started all over again

Now those that were left, well we tried to survive
In a mad world of blood, death and fire
And for ten weary weeks I kept myself alive
But around me the corpses piled higher
Then a big Turkish shell knocked me arse over tit
And when I woke up in my hospital bed
And saw what it had done, I wished I was dead
Never knew there were worse things than dying
For no more I'll go waltzing Matilda
All around the green bush far and near
For to hump tent and pegs, a man needs two legs
No more waltzing Matilda for me

So they collected the cripples, the wounded, the maimed
And they shipped us back home to Australia
The armless, the legless, the blind, the insane
Those proud wounded heroes of Suvla
And as our ship pulled into Circular Quay
I looked at the place where my legs used to be
And thank Christ there was nobody waiting for me
To grieve and to mourn and to pity
And the band played Waltzing Matilda
As they carried us down the gangway
But nobody cheered, they just stood and stared
Then turned all their faces away

And now every April I sit on my porch
And I watch the parade pass before me
And I watch my old comrades, how proudly they march
Reliving old dreams of past glory
And the old men march slowly, all bent, stiff and sore
The forgotten heroes from a forgotten war
And the young people ask, "What are they marching for?"
And I ask myself the same question
And the band plays Waltzing Matilda
And the old men answer to the call
But year after year their numbers get fewer
Some day no one will march there at all

Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda
Who'll go a waltzing Matilda with me
And their ghosts may be heard as you pass the Billabong
Who'll go a waltzing Matilda with me?



Reported by Centcom* As of 8 AM EDT, 9 Sept 2003

US troops wounded in action: 1,178
US troops wounded in non-hostile incidents 313
TOTAL US wounded in Iraq since March 20th: 1,491

9/10/03 CENTCOM
One U.S. soldier killed in Baghdad today when IED exploded prematurely during disarming process.

09/10/03 BBC:Bomb hits Iraqi Kurd region
A car bomb has exploded outside an office used by US troops near the Iraqi Kurdish city of Irbil.

09/09/03 Yahoo: Three U.S. Soldiers Wounded by Land Mine
Firefighters on Tuesday contained an oil fire blamed on saboteurs on the major Turkish-bound pipeline, while witnesses said three U.S. soldiers were wounded when their Humvee hit a mine on the road near Fallujah

09/09/03 Yahoo (Reuters): From Afghanistan
Five Afghan government soldiers were killed and two American soldiers wounded in a series of attacks in south and east Afghanistan

09/09/03 Centcom: Confirms Fatality
One 3rd Corp Support Command soldier was killed and one was wounded in an improvised explosive device attack on their military vehicle along a major supply route northeast of Baghdad at approximately 5 p.m. on Sep. 9.

09/09/03 APF:US soldier killed in attack on tanker convoy
A US soldier driving a tanker full of liquefied petroleum gas was killed when an explosion hit his convoy as it passed between two underpasses on the main road north out of Baghdad

09/09/03 Yahoo(Reuters): Two soldiers were wounded
Two soldiers were wounded in an attack using an explosive device in the town of Ramadi, around 60 miles west of Baghdad at 7 a.m.

09/08/03 CNN: U.S. troops wounded in Baghdad attack
At least two U.S. soldiers were wounded Monday morning when an improvised explosive device hit a logistics convoy in Baghdad

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protect freedom impeach bush now Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-10-03 01:58 PM
Response to Original message
1. Bush did this to our soldiers

Real wounds from Bush's fake war
saw it on

This might ruin your afternoon, but these brave men have to live with lost limbs forever.

Click Here


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