My husband and I bought our first home in August. Many personal and painful things have happened since we bought our first home and we have been trying to deal with them to our best abilities. One of the issues that we have dealt with (outside of the personal issues) has been the damage that happened from the ice storm that swept through the Midwest. It took down both of our 40 year old trees ( in the front and back yard) with one of our cars being damaged by the falling older limbs from the front elm. A friend (of a friend)of my husbands came down and offered to help clean up the front and back yard damage for a fee. His wife had kicked him out and he was living down the street from us with a childhood friend of my husbands. My husband told him that he would pay him for it, and that he would give him the money up front. He told us he needed the money for gas, food, etc. Well, Its been almost four weeks and he still hasn't done what he said he was going to do. The back yard is still a mess, he is asking for more money, and the chainsaw that he brought with him (which he damaged) isn't being used for its purpose. He didn't even tell us that they weren't his own tools. He left other peoples tools in our back yard. Well they wanted them back. They contacted my husband to get the tools back. He showed up at our door high, barely able to speak, and staggering last week. And asked me for more money. My husband told me we need to embrace him. To make him feel like he has a home, so he can be more open about who he is and what he is dealing with. But how much money should we give him? I mean really? I have been through enough this year! Am I wrong here? Should we clean up the rest of the yard and pay to have it done? I will invite him in for dinner and so forth, but I am not going give him 40 bucks every time he shows up at the door. I need some help here. I don't mind helping, I don't mind opening the door. But to have someone keep asking for money all the time? And lie to your face constantly? I don't want that. I'm sorry if I sound cold. Emotionally, after all that we have been through, I don't need another liar at the front door.