I have written to you twice before about the Dispatch's non-coverage of the "Jeff Gannon" White House scandal, but here I am yet again. This story has real legs! It's been all over the Internet for more than a week now. Each day brings new revelations, new connections to explore. It should be a great news story. Everyone is talking about it - I spoke about it with four different people yesterday alone as I went about my business. And yet, in the Dispatch, nothing has happened. The news blackout imposed by the one newspaper we are allowed to have in Columbus is complete. I am picturing some benighted soul who gets all of his news from the Columbus Dispatch. Such a person would walk into one of the numerous water-cooler chats about "Gannon" being conducted around town and would have no idea what everyone was talking about! Can you hear them now? "You say what? A gay male prostitute with a false name and phony credentials was waved into the Bush press briefings every day for two years so he could ask softball, pro-Bush questions, while offering himself as a "male escort" online at the very same time? No way! I read the Dispatch every day and I can tell you, no such thing is happening." I always thought the function of the press was to report the news. The Dispatch's behavior in this matter makes it clear that your idea of the function of the press is to protect the Bush administration from embarrassment. This change is heartbreaking for true Americans, as we watch this wretched regime attack everything we love about America as a complicit press, including the Dispatch, stands to the side, its eyes tightly shut. It's a disgrace. Thanks for nothing.