Edited on Wed Sep-10-03 02:45 PM by Brotherjohn
...for 9-11. Some author who wrote a book about terrorism and how, apparently, it's all Clinton's fault. Don't remember the guys name. It was on some pro-Bush radio show (not Limbaugh).
Although giving credit for Clinton busting up the Millenium plot and a few smaller ones, he said Clinton just wasn't focused on terrorism. He implied Clinton could do lots of things well, but his focus was intermittent at best and so things fell through the cracks. He said Clinton had "warnings", like the earlier bombing on the WTC, etc., and ignored them.
Excuse me, but didn't this terrorist attack occur almost a year after Clinton was out of office?!?
Excuse me, but didn't the U.S. receive specific evidence from German and Israeli intelligence agencies, among others, that a large scale attack on the U.S. was imminent?!?
Excuse me, but didn't the Clinton White House advise the Bush White House early on that Al Qaeda would (or at least should) be their number one priority (I recall someone saying they told the Bushies that they "would be spending more time on Al Qaeda than any other issue")?!?
Excuse me, but didn't John Aschroft release a list of priorities for the Justice Department upon taking office... a list that did not contain ONE reference to terrorism?!?
Excuse me, but didn't the CIA and FBI, under Bush, have evidence of specific plots by terrorists to hijack airliners in the U.S. in the months before 9-11, and didn't the CIA brief the White House on this less than a month before 9-11?!?
Excuse me, but didn't U.S. officials during Bush's tenure take at least one of the hijackers into custody prior to 9-11, fail to search his computer hard-drive because the Justice dept. turned down a warrant request (the computer had info on the 9-11 plot), and also allow two other hijackers into the country although despite the fact that they were on a "watch" list?!?
Excuse me, but (if certain sources are to be believed), didn't John O'Niell, ex-head of FBI counter-terrorism who died in the WTC bombing, complain that he was resigning because the Bush White House was obstructing investigation into Osama Bin Laden and Saudi-linked terrorism?
Excuse me, but wasn't bush on vacation for a month before 9-11?!?
Excuse me, but I just had to rant. The only president who was not focused on terrorism was George W. Bush. The only president upon whose watch 9-11 happened was George W. Bush.