Representative Louise Slaughter & John Conyers :yourock: have been at the forefront of the Guckert investigation. Here are all their letters to *, Ridge, US Attorney, Secret Service, etc, as well as the letter from the Congressional press gally rejecting his application for a credential.
1. 2/9 - Rep. Slaughter Calls on President Bush to Explain Emerging White House Briefing Room Scandal - 2/11 - Rep. Slaughter Calls on Special Prosecutor to Investigate Gannon's Role in Plame CIA Document Leak Scandal
- 2/15 - Rep. Slaughter Seeks Details From Homeland Security in Gannon/Plame Scandal Under Freedom of Information Act - HOT OFF THE PRESS!!!! 2/17 - Rep. Slaughter Demands Answer: Why was Jeff Gannon in the White House Before Talon News Even Existed? - Letter from the capitol press office that denied a credential (required for WH access) - searching. &