This is a little lengthy, and it wasn't written by me; but I think that it is definitely worth reading.
A friend of mine was doing research into the Gannon matter and composed the following correspondence for our politically-minded circle of friends. It covers all of the salient non-smut related aspects and does so far more clearly than any other single piece that I've read as of yet. (Not to say that there aren't some out there.) He also makes some educated guesses and hypotheses about the situation and posits some interesting questions.
So, without further ado...
"Take a look at this page -- it's a culling of all of Jeff Gannon's posts to Be sure to go quickly, as it may be taken down. There's something VERY interesting here. We already know Gannon was one of the Administration's point people on the Plame affair; someone gave him access to a classified CIA memo that insinuated Valerie Plame recommended her husband, Joe Wilson, to go to Niger and investigate the claim that Saddam Hussein was seeking yellowcake uranium from that country.
On FreeRepublic, he bragged that he "got the scoop" on the famous forged Dan Rather memos, as well:
---"Mary Mapes is DEFINITELY behind the story, this is who I told Sean Hannity got the documents. She also obtained the Abu Ghraib photos."
---"The in-depth article will post at Talon News on Monday morning. There is much more to this story. Mary Mapes is just the beginning."
---"I got the scoop and passed it to Hannity. Look for my detailed story on Monday at Talon News."
Note that in the first post, Gannon mentioned that Mapes was the individual "who got the Abu Ghraib photos." He repeated this in the story he filed for Talon News on September 17: “After all,” he writes, “it was Mapes who brought CBS the Abu Ghraib photos of prisoner abuse.”
At the beginning of the Abu Ghraib scandal, the right wing's first defense tactic was to blame CBS for undermining the Iraq war effort and "the troops" by publicizing the photos. They eventually switched to the "few bad apples" defense, realizing that they couldn't get the public to buy the idea that publicizing torture photos was somehow harming the war effort.
I don't know if you remember the missive written by Pat Boone (yes, that Pat Boone), in which he called CBS News "modern Benedict Arnolds" and compared them to the Rosenbergs for leaking the prison torture photos. His viewpoint at the beginning of the scandal was emblematic of the right-wing view. The right wing was FURIOUS at CBS over the Abu Ghraib photos.
Actually, that's an exaggeration. They didn't blame Boston Rob from Survivor or the cast of CSI: Miami. They blamed 60 Minutes II, Mary Mapes, and Dan Rather.
And Gannon bragged that he "got the scoop" on Rather and Mapes.
How could a fake reporter with no journalism experience, working for a fake news agency that no one on Earth had heard of, scoop everyone else on the Plame affair, one of the biggest stories of 2003, and Rathergate, one of the biggest stories of 2004?
Why was Gannon hanging around the White House in February and March of 2003, when the "news service" he worked for didn't begin publishing until March 29, 2003? (
For the answer, ask yourself: What do Rathergate and Plamegate have in common?
They were Rovian operations to discredit and smear critics of the Bush Administration.
And Gannon somehow helped break both stories.
Here is my guess as to how this happened: Gannon was not a reporter. He was a "plumber" like Nixon used to employ. Remember, Nixon's goons were called "plumbers" because they "fixed leaks.”
Gannon, apparently, had a hand in fixing two leaks: Joe Wilson, who told the public in a New York Times op-ed piece that he'd discredited the Niger/yellowcake story long before the famous "16 words" were inserted into the State of the Union; and Mary Mapes/Dan Rather, who told the public about the torture at Abu Ghraib.
Since Gannon broke the story, and Gannon was an administration mouthpiece, it seems extremely likely that the Rathergate memos were given to Bill Burkett by the Bush campaign. It was done to punish Rather and Mapes for publicizing the Abu Ghraib photos. Jeff Gannon was one of the pointmen, one of the guys Rove used to make the story known to the right-wing blogs and the right-wing talk radio network, so the story could then filter into the mainstream media.
The Rathergate memos were a perfect storm. Bill Burkett, the Texas Air National Guard Lt. Colonel, had been a thorn in the Bush Administration’s side for years. After he became known as the source of the memos, he’d never be trusted by the media again, and his career would be over. Rather, Mapes, and CBS News, who the Administration despised for the Abu Ghraib leak and other instances of “liberal bias,” would also be discredited.
And all the talk of Bush’s lackluster Air National Guard record would be drowned out by the furor over the forged memos.
They managed to kill four birds with one stone. It was a masterstroke.
Rathergate and Plamegate worked the same way. Rove gave key info (in Plamegate, the CIA memo suggesting Plame sent Wilson to Niger; in Rathergate, the name of the CBS producer who received the phony memos) to Gannon. Gannon pretended to be an investigative reporter and broke key elements of the stories to the blogosphere and right-wing media.
Gannon gave a Rathergate scoop to Hannity (; after that, it filtered out into the mainstream media. Gannon and Talon News were also used to spread smears about John Kerry, radio host Mike Webb (, and others.
So whither Talon News?
Perhaps Talon News was set up to give Gannon a cover of journalistic respectability.
The "Washington Bureau Chief" title was just a cover. His appearances at press conferences weren't designed to give "lifelines" to McClellan, but to establish his credentials as a real journalist to other journalists and the public.
Having Bush call on him at the January 26 press conference had the same motive: to establish Talon News as a real news source, and Gannon as a real journalist, one credible enough to be granted access to the President himself.
The more reliable and important Gannon could seem in the eyes of the right-wing community – the blogosphere and punditocracy – the more the White House could use him to "break" scandalous stories about their opponents. That way, the stories wouldn't look like White House leaks; they would look as if they had been "broken" by industrious right-wing journalists or bloggers.
Following these “scoops,” Gannon could be invited on Fox News, or CNN, or other news outlets, where he could continue smearing enemies on behalf of the Bush Administration in the guise of an independent journalist.
It’s classic Rove. In the same way the Administration created fake reporter “Karen Ryan” to advance its agenda (, it created fake reporter Jeff Gannon to do the exact same thing. And in the same way that it outsourced its ugliest smears to unrelated proxies like the Swift Boat Vets, it outsourced dirty work to Gannon, who, like the Swifties, appeared to be acting independently.
In a typically Rovian maneuver, there's no explicit connection between Talon News and the Administration. Sure, Eberle, Gannon, & co. are right-wingers, but they don't appear to be directly funded by the Administration or the RNC. There's just enough room between Talon News,, and the Administration for Bush and Rove to wriggle away from this. They've learned from Nixon's mistakes.
There’s one question left, however. Although he was privy to two pieces of information it would have been near-impossible for someone in his position to get, Gannon himself didn’t break the news that the memos were forged; that was done on LittleGreenFootballs and other blogs. Nor did Gannon break the news that Plame was a CIA agent; that was done by Robert Novak.
So how many other “journalists” are on the White House payroll? Who else have they planted in the media solely to advance their agenda?"