> You are falling for the hype.
:shrug: I disagree.
I think there's been a lot of hype about the bush administration unraveling, and they've been unraveling quite successfully for half a decade. I've bought into it before, but not anymore.
> Fox isn't that popular, it's all a fraud
Doesn't matter if Fox News is "popular". It's competitive, and it's setting the new journalistic standards. People believe what's reported on Fox because it's presented in a way that affirms their existing bias. It's been phenomenally successful.
> Bush inc has been losing the propaganda war since before the election
You mean,
before the election bushco won? If that's what "losing the propaganda war" looks like, I don't want to see winning. And don't give me any crap about "stolen elections"; either the GOPropaganda machine is alive and well or we'd have been out in the streets like the Ukrainians after a stolen election. Either bushco won the election outright, or we have been sufficiently hoodwinked that most of us
just don't care anymore.
> - GanGuk moving along, criminal, freeper, whitehouse friend
And the MSM is blaming his critics and offering apologetics instead of investigating. Hey, it's not like he's Dan Rather.
> - Iraq election loss
Huh? Iraq's elections are heralded as a rousing triumph for the causes of freedom and democracy and regarded as absolute evidence of bush's noble intentions. They may represent a loss for Iraqis and a prelude to civil war, but for bush they're a lifetime achievement.
> - 911 inquiry reopen, FAA warnings, Condi lies
America does not care. Condi is our new SoS, and when bush tells Americans she is doing a fantastic job we're prepared to believe him.
> - New torture info surfacing
Abu Ghraib is so 2004. It's just a bunch of rogue soldiers.
> - Failure to sell Social Security Privatization
which will lead to a brilliant "negotiated compromise" by bush to "save Social Security for the generations to come" by doing nothing at all. If W cannot dismantle FDR's legacy outright, he will simply co-opt it.
> - Negroponte nomination will bring out old painful details
which did absolutely nothing to prevent him from taking his previous positions, and will do nothing to keep him out of this one. Negroponte's crimes are a non-starter. The American Electorate has opted to believe that Ronald Reagan was a great hero and liberator of Central America from Godless Communism, so those "old painful details" of the hows and wherefores are easily discarded as incongruous with prevailing opinion. Same with Otto Reich, Ollie North, and John Poindexter, heaven help us. We don't know, or we don't care.
> At some point it all becomes too much
Ah, the old "drip drip drip" theory. Doesn't work like that anymore. In the new, improved, attention-defecit society, those drips just go down the drain and out the memory hole. Your list of half-a-dozen iniquities would surely be enough to destroy a Democratic presidency, leading to impeachment and possibly assasination, but for W it is simply another indication of how invulnerable he is. Have a look at this incomplete list:
http://www.wage-slave.org/scorecard_print.htmlThe guy who was maintaining it quit back in 2003, by the way. And it's not like nothing happened between then and the election. Every one of those items has a MSM link attached to it. We can't claim that those actions went unreported. Did it
ever become too much?
Apparently not, for 51% of the people who voted.