Ronald Rayguns Buliding, DC
Confirmed Speakers, Panelists and Moderators
Dr. Michael Adams University of North Carolina Can Conservatives Get an Even Break on Campus? What's Going On in our Colleges?
Gary Aldrich Patrick Henry Center for Individual Liberty Cutting Spending is Tough Work, But Somebody Has to Do It
Senator George Allen (VA) (Speech)
Dr. Paul Anthony - New PhRMA In Defense of Innovation : The War Against the Drug Companies
Kristin Armshaw American Legislative Exchange Council Tort Reform and the Rule of Law
Jed Babbin The American Spectator The UN: What They're Up To and Why We Should Worry
Michael Barone US News & World Report How the Good Guys Won
The Honorable Bob Barr 21st Century Privacy and Freedom Task Force, Former U.S. House Representative (GA) Can We Fight Terrorism, Contend With Invasive Technology, and Protect Our Rights at the Same Time?
Christopher R. Barron Log Cabin Republicans Social Security: It's Broke and Needs Fixin'
John Berthoud, Ph.D. National Taxpayers Union Cutting Spending is Tough Work, But Somebody Has to Do It
Kevin Blier Center for American Cultural Renewal Conservative Principle and Unresolved Issues: Differences Within the Family On a Federal Marriage Amendment
Kenneth Blackwell Ohio Secretary of State Marriage as a Winning Issue in 2004 and Beyond
Morton Blackwell The Leadership Institute (Speech)
Sandy Liddy Bourne - New American Legislative Exchange Council Federalism Doesn't Mean States Should Take Everything We've Got Left When the Feds Finish With Us: Reform Out in the Country
Brent Bozell Media Research Center Novak vs. Donaldson: Did the Media Out Do Itself in 2004?
Wayne T. Brough, Ph.D. Freedom Works Federalism Doesn't Mean States Should Take Everything We've Got Left When the Feds Finish With Us: Reform Out in the Country
Senator Sam Brownback (KS) Technology, Science and Traditional Values: Taking, Making, and Faking Human Life
Pat Buchanan American Cause Leadership and Elections: The Importance of Issues and Values
General Josiah Bunting Virginia Military Institue Can Conservatives Get an Even Break on Campus? What's Going On in our Colleges?
Herman Cain A New Voice Tax Cuts and Tax Reform: Whose Money Are We Talking About Here?
Dr. Nigel Cameron Institute on Bio-Technology and the Human Future Technology, Science and Traditional Values: Taking, Making, and Faking Human Life
Jeffrey Carlisle Federal Communications Commission Emerging Technology: Will Regulation Stifle Its Advancement?
Tim Carney Fellow at the Phillips Foundation & Freelance Journalist Conservative Principle and Unresolved Issues: Differences Within the Family On Free Trade and Protecting American Jobs
Amanda Carpenter Ball State University Battling the Left in Its Privileged Sanctuaries
Steve Castleton GOP Internet Strategist Sidestepping the Dinosaurs: How "New" Media is Transforming Politics
Vice President Dick Cheney Presidential Banquet
Dan Clifton American Shareholder Association They Take and Spend What We Earn, But Won't Let Us Save It
Senator Tom Coburn (OK) Simply Talking About Runaway Spending Won't Cut It!
Senator Norm Coleman (MN) Presidential Banquet
(Consumer Electronics Representative) Download Wars: The Debate Over Intellectual Property Rights
U.S Senator John Cornyn (TX) Thwarting the Liberal Drive to Govern Through Judicial Edict
Ann Coulter Syndicated Columnist and Author
Patrick Coyle Young America's Foundation Can Conservatives Get an Even Break on Campus? What's Going On in our Colleges?
Secretary of State Randy Daniels (NY) Federalism Doesn't Mean States Should Take Everything We've Got Left When the Feds Finish With Us: Reform Out in the Country
Donald J. Devine, Ph.D. American Conservative Union Foundation Tort Reform and the Rule of Law
Sara Dogan Students for Academic Freedom Can Conservatives Get an Even Break on Campus? What's Going On in our Colleges?
Sam Donaldson ABC News Novak vs. Donaldson: Did the Media Out Do Itself in 2004?
Charles Donovan Family Research Council Technology, Science and Traditional Values: Taking, Making, and Faking Human Life
Ivan Eland The Independent Institute Conservative Principle and Unresolved Issues: Differences Within the Family On the Direction of Our Foreign Policy
Jerry Ellig Mercatus Center at George Mason University Emerging Technology: Will Regulation Stifle Its Advancement?
Ryan Ellis Alliance for Worker Freedom 2004: How the Bad Guys Tried to Stop Us and How We Can Guard Against Future Cheating
Tony Fabrizio Fabrizio, McLaughlin & Associates Straw Poll Results and the State of the Movement
Don Feder US India League Protecting the Homeland Against Enemies Foreign and Domestic
Tom Fitton Judicial Watch Will the New Senate Confirm Good Judges?
Alison Fraser The Heritage Foundation Cutting Spending is Tough Work, But Somebody Has to Do It
Sandy Froman National Rifle Association Will the New Senate Confirm Good Judges?
John Fund Wall Street Journal & Author of 'Stealing Elections' Capital Research Center 2004: How the Bad Guys Tried to Stop Us and How We Can Guard Against Future Cheating
Dr. Nile Gardiner The UN: What They're Up To and Why We Should Care
The Honorable James Gilmore Former Governor of Virginia Life (and Principle) Beyond the Beltway
Newt Gingrich (Fmr.) Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Political Commentator A 21st Century Contract With America
Thomas A. Giovanetti Institute for Policy Innovation Social Security: It's Broke and Needs Fixin'
Phil Giraldi (Fmr) CIA Expert in Counterterorrism Protecting the Homeland Against Enemies Foreign and Domestic
James Glassman Tech Central Station They Take and Spend What We Earn, But Won't Let Us Save It
Shannon L. Goessling, Esq. Southeastern Legal Foundation Tort Reform and the Rule of Law
Ambassador Dore Gold Kofi Annan and the Slaughter of the Innocents
John Goodman National Center for Policy Analysis Social Security: It's Broke and Needs Fixin'
Paul Gourley College Republican National Committee Battling the Left in Its Privileged Sanctuaries
Patrick Guerriero Log Cabin Republicans Conservative Principle and Unresolved Issues: Differences Within the Family On a Federal Marriage Amendment
Namrata Singh Gujral (aka Namrata Cooper) Actress, American Pride Films Group Hollywood Interrupted
Robert H. Hahn Free Republic Network Sidestepping the Dinosaurs: How "New" Media is Transforming Politics
Ambassador Dennis K. Hays Former Coordinator for Cuban Affairs at the State Department Conservative Principle and Unresolved Issues: Differences Within the Family On What to do about Cuba
Hugh Hewitt Radio Talk Show Host & Author of 'Blog' Sidestepping the Dinosaurs: How "New" Media is Transforming Politics
Van Hipp American Defense International, Inc. Protecting the Homeland Against Enemies Foreign and Domestic
Scott Hodge The Tax Foundation Tax Cuts and Tax Reform: Whose MoneyAre We Talking About Here?
David Horowitz Students for Academic Freedom Can Conservatives Get an Even Break on Campus? What's Going On in our Colleges?
Virginia Speaker of the House William J. Howell Federalism Doesn't Mean States Should Take Everything We've Got Left When the Feds Finish With Us: Reform Out in the Country
Ellen Hubbard American Film Renaissance Hollywood Interrupted
Ed Hudgins - New The Objectivist Center The UN: What They're Up To and Why We Should Care
Representative Henry Hyde (IL-6) Predential Banquet
Charlie W. Jarvis USA Next Social Security: It's Broke and Needs Fixin'
Tamar Jacoby The Manhattan Institute Immigration Reform: Recognizing Reality or Surrendering Principles?
David John The Heritage Foundation Social Security: It's Broke and Needs Fixin'
Alison Kasich Bucknell University Battling the Left in Its Privileged Sanctuaries
Sam Kazman Competitive Enterprise Institute In Defense of Innovation : The War Against the Drug Companies
David A. Keene American Conservative Union Foundation Welcome to the 32nd Annual CPAC
Phil Kent Americans for Immigration Control Immigration Reform: Recognizing Reality or Surrendering Principles?
Tom Kilgannon Freedom Alliance The UN: What They're Up To and Why We Should Care
Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media Sidestepping the Dinosaurs: How "New" Media is Transforming Politics
Arnold Kling Author of 'Learning Economics' They Take and Spend What We Earn, But Won't Let Us Save It
Dr. Stephen Klugewicz - New Collegiate Network Can Conservatives Get an Even Break on Campus? What's Going On in our Colleges?
Gary Kreep U.S Justice Foundation Will the New Senate Confirm Good Judges?
Wayne LaPierre National Rifle Association Presidential Banquet
John R. Lott, Jr., Ph.D. American Enterprise Institute Will the New Senate Confirm Good Judges?
Carrie Lukas Independent Women's Forum Social Security: It's Broke and Needs Fixin'
Mychal Massie - New Project 21 A 21st Century Contract With America
Dr. Merrill Mathews Institute for Policy Innovation In Defense of Innovation : The War Against the Drug Companies
Jason Mattera Roger Williams University Battling the Left in Its Privileged Sanctuaries
Senator Mitch McConnell (KY) (Speech)
Ken Mehlman Chairman, Republican National Committee (Speech)
Senator Zell Miller (GA) Ronald Reagan Banquet
Rich Miniter Investigative Journalist and Author Protecting the Homeland Against Enemies Foreign and Domestic
Cleta Mitchell Foley & Lardner 2004: How the Bad Guys Tried to Stop Us and How We Can Guard Against Future Cheating
Marc Mix National Right to Work Foundation 2004: How the Bad Guys Tried to Stop Us and How We Can Guard Against Future Cheating
Steve Moore Free Enterprise Fund How the Good Guys Won
Deroy Murdock Columnist & Senior Fellow, Atlas Economic Research Foundation In Defense of Innovation : The War Against the Drug Companies
U.S. Representative Tim Murphy (PA-18) In Defense of Innovation : The War Against the Drug Companies
William J. Murray Government is Not God PAC Conservative Principle and Unresolved Issues: On a Federal Marriage Amendment
Ethan Nadelmann Drug Policy Alliance Conservative Principle and Unresolved Issues: Differences Within the Family On How to deal with Drugs
Grover Norquist Americans for Tax Reform Tax Cuts and Tax Reform: Whose MoneyAre We Talking About Here?
Jerry Norris Hudson Institute The UN: What They're Up To and Why We Should Care
Bob Novak Syndicated Columnist, CNN Novak vs. Donaldson: Did the Media Out Do Itself in 2004?
Solicitor General Theodore B. Olson Download Wars: The Debate Over Intellectual Property Rights
Dick Patten - New American Family Business Institute Cutting Spending is Tough Work, But Somebody Has to Do It
Representative Mike Pence (IN-6) Presidential Banquet
Tony Perkins Family Research Council Marriage as a Winning Issue in 2004 and Beyond
Reverend Jesse Peterson BOND Hollywood Interrupted
Peter Pitsch Intel Emerging Technology: Will Regulation Stifle Its Advancement?
Richard Poe New York Times Best-Selling Author Conservative Principle and Unresolved Issues: Differences Within the Family On How to deal with Drugs
Dr. Barry Poulson Americans for Prosperity Foundation Federalism Doesn't Mean States Should Take Everything We've Got Left When the Feds Finish With Us: Reform Out in the Country
Dr. David Prentice Life Sciences Technology, Science and Traditional Values: Taking, Making, and Faking Human Life
Kayne Robinson National Rifle Association How the Good Guys Won
Marc Rotterman Rotterman & Associates How the Good Guys Won
Karl Rove Presidential Senior Advisor/ Chief Political Strategist (Speech)
Dominic Rupprecht - New Bucknell University Battling the Left in Its Privileged Sanctuaries
Representative Paul Ryan (WI-1) Leading from Principle: Expanding Freedom and Limiting Government
Senator Rick Santorum (PA) Necessity of the Family
Terrence Scanlon Capital Research Center 2004: How the Bad Guys Tried to Stop Us How We Can Guard Against Future Cheating
Craig Schelske Craig PAC and Manager of Sara Evans Hollywood Interrupted
Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Forum Immigration Reform: Recognizing Reality or Surrendering Principles?
Nick Schulz Tech Central Station Sidestepping the Dinosaurs: How "New" Media is Transforming Politics
Kathryn Serkes Tort Reform and the Rule of Law
Senator Jeff Sessions (AL) Ronald Reagan Banquet
Dr. Mark Skousen Economist & Professor Protecting the Homeland Against Enemies Foreign and Domestic
Christina Sommers American Enterprise Institute Can Conservatives Get an Even Break on Campus? What's Going On in our Colleges?
Lawrence Spiwak The Phoenix Center Emerging Technology: Will Regulation Stifle Its Advancement?
Ted Steinberg Writer and Producer of Celsius 41.11 Hollywood Interrupted
Senator John Sununu (NH) How the President and Congress Can Fix Social Security This Year
Paul Teller Republican Study Committee Cutting Spending is Tough Work, But Somebody Has to Do It
Adam Thierer Cato Institute Download Wars: The Debate Over Intellectual Property Rights
Lew Uhler National Tax Limitation Committee Tax Cuts and Tax Reform: Whose Money Are We Talking About Here?
Fred Von Lohmann Electronic Frontier Foundation Download Wars: The Debate Over Intellectual Property Rights
Larry Ward Interactive Political Media, Inc. Conservative Principle and Unresolved Issues: Differences Within the Family On Free Trade and Protecting American Jobs
Tom Wright Americans for Fair Taxation Tax Cuts and Tax Reform: Whose MoneyAre We Talking About Here?
Meet/greet/contact a CPAC'er. They are staying at Hotel Harrington 436 11th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20004-4389 Toll-Free Reservations: (800) 424-8532 Phone: (202) 628-8140