So we are having several discussions about whether the use of the word cracker is as bad as the use of the word nigger. Some people think that any insult denoting a person's race is equal to any other insult. I don't believe this is true.
I can't think of another word in our culture that is more fraught with meaning and hate than the word nigger. This is because of the HISTORY of whites oppressing blacks in the US. There is no comparable history of blacks oppressing whites.
I am using photos to illustrate my reasoning here because I seem to be failing with words. (Warning, some of these photos are of graphic violence. But you should still look.)
Here are two pictures of white people lynching black people. I was not able to find any of black people lynching white people. These are actually the least graphic of the bunch that I looked at this morning. More here are picture from the civil right movement. One is a police officer setting a dog on a protester, the other a lunch counter sit in. I was not able to find any photos of a black officer setting dogs on white protesters, although many whites protesting for black civil rights were attacked and even murdered.
So what's the deal here? In light of photos like these and our history in the US, how can anyone say the epithets denoting whites are the equal of epithets denoting blacks? Again, I don't condone either. But I don't believe that they are comparable.
I know this is a pretty random and very brief pictorial, and that we haven't even touched on the issue of slavery. But this is a starting point.
The word nigger conveys these images to any thinking, marginally educated American. The word cracker cannot.