'Reilly compared lesbian parents on PBS' Buster cartoon to "a bigamy situation in Utah" or "an S&M thing in the East Village"
Following PBS president and CEO Pat Mitchell's February 15 announcement that she plans to resign from PBS, conservatives continued to attack a controversial episode of PBS' Postcards from Buster for its depiction of lesbian couples. The Buster episode titled "Sugartime!" features an animated rabbit visiting the children of two real-life families with lesbian parents in Vermont to learn how maple syrup is made. As The Washington Post noted, "In other episodes, Buster has met Mormons in Utah, the Hmong in Wisconsin, people from the Gullah culture in South Carolina, an Orthodox Jewish family and a Pentecostal Christian family."
On FOX News Channel's The O'Reilly Factor, host Bill O'Reilly compared Buster's visit to the Vermont families with lesbian parents to visiting "a bigamy situation in Utah" or "an S&M
thing in the East Village ." O'Reilly also stated that Mitchell "washed her hands like Pontius Pilate" regarding PBS' decision to not distribute the episode. (In the Bible, Pilate presided at the trial of Jesus and gave the order for his crucifixion, then washed his hands in front of the crowd that demanded Jesus's crucifixion and said: "I am innocent of this man's blood. It is your responsibility" .)
The quote:
O'REILLY: But she got in trouble because the education secretary, Ms. Spellings, the new education secretary --
WEBER: That's correct.
O'REILLY: -- basically bawled her out and said, "We're not going to be kicking you $80 million in taxpayer money if you're going to have Buster the Bunny hop." And not -- it's not only about homosexuality.
WEBER: That's right.
O'REILLY: I wouldn't want Buster hopping into a bigamy situation in Utah. I wouldn't want him hopping into an S&M thing in the East Village here. I think Buster should --
This man is warped beyond belief. The loofah falafel idiot that he is!