I have gay friends and believe gay rights is an important issue. I think writing incendiary letters about the Gannon issue is very useful and does not offend gays.
To act as an agent provocateur for nut-jobs like Radical Cleric James Dobson and his loony followers in the extremest group "Focus on the Family" does not insult gays. It causes bigots to "out" themselves as bigots, and make fools of themselves.
In case anyone did not already get this concept, Dobson recently furnished an example of how it works with SpongeBobGate.
Firing up the anti-gay religious Bush supporting nuts about Gannon serves many purposes.
- It drives a wedge between the plutocratic, corporatist neo-con cabal and their electoral base, the fundamentalist evangelical Christians.
- It 'outs' anti-gay bigots as bigots.
- Their extreme behavior serves as a self-refuting reductio ad absurdum of the anti-gay agenda.
Properly understood and worked, Gannongate has TREMENDOUS potential to damage both the Religious Reich and the Plutocratic Corporatist Republicans; the two most destructive forces in America today, IMHO.
The Swift Advance of a Planned Coup: Conquering by Stealth and Deception - How the Dominionists Are Succeeding in Their Quest for National Control and World Power
http://www.yuricareport.com/Dominionism/TheSwiftAdvanceOfaPlannedCoup.htmThe Despoiling of America:How George W. Bush became the head of the new American Dominionist Church/State
http://www.yuricareport.com/Dominionism/TheDespoilingOfAmerica.htmVideo on the Christian Reconstructionist Dominionist Theocratic Agendahttp://www.theocracywatch.org/av/video_dominion.ram The Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Partya public information project from TheocracyWatch.org