That neo-Nazimafiosowannabe made a mint playing both sides of world war.
America! Your nation's been hijacked by traitors. Here's a big bit of evidence from the Internets:
Iran-Contra and the Israeli Lobbyexcerpted from the book
Covert Action
the Roots of Terrorismedited by Ellen Ray and William H. Schaap
Ocean Press, 2003, paper
The campaign for world economic and political domination gathered momentum during the final years of the Cold War, including the decade-long Iran-lraq War of the 1980s (in which the United States sold arms to both sides) and the "clandestine" wars against Nicaragua's Sandinista Government and the revolutionarymovements in El Salvador, Guatemala Angola, South Africa and elsewhere. What became known as the IranContra scandal-clandestine U.S. arms sales to Iran, facilitated by Israeli intelligence guidance, with the huge profits used to fund the terrorist war of the contras against the revolutionary government of Nicaragua-was a major part of these operations. Both ends of the operation were ostensibly prohibited by U.S. Iaw and the secret sales to Iraq were not even part of the publicly known equation.
The psychological operations, or "psyops" apparatus, institutionalized today, which have virtually eliminated public media debate while severely damaging civil and constitutional rights, began in earnest during the Reagan and Bush I administrations. And the forces shaping administration policies and consequently government propaganda, include familiar faces from those years: Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Richard Armitage, Eliot Abrams and Michael Ledeen, among many others.
During the Reagan years, the State Department ran an Office of Public Diplomacy, which was little more than a separate disinformation office. And it was riddled with Iran-Contra figures like Lt. Col. Oliver North and Adm. John Poindexter. With the "war on terrorism" as its justification, the current Bush Administration tried to establish a formal international disinformation agency, a shadowy Pentagon operation called the Office of Strategic Influence, directed to "conduct covert operations aimed at influencing public opinion and policymakers in friendly and neutral nations." Even the mainstream press found the open espousal of disinformation too much and Congress refused to fund the program. Of course, the secret operations continue, as they always have. Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld was unusually frank and openly cynical about it. After announcing that the exposure of their plans had forced the Pentagon to shut down this operation, he defiantly told reporters, "fine I'll give you the corpse..., you can have the name, but I'm gonna keep doing every single thing that needs to be done and I have."
More successfully, the Pentagon established the Total Information Awareness Program, to collect and collate all available electronic information on U.S. citizens, compiling credit-card, travel, medical, school, banking and other data. Brought in to head this agency was Adm. John Poindexter, despite his conviction in Iran-Contra on five felony counts of Iying to Congress (later overturned because he was deemed to have been granted immunity). This, too, was a bit much for the Congress and Poindexter's appointment was rejected.
The compelling international issues today, those which will shape the future, are most importantly the Middle and Far East-Israel, Iraq, China, North Korea. Preeminent is Israel, for it is the Israel lobby (sometimes called the Israel firsters), broadly defined, which is setting the entire, immediate, agenda. Traditional lobbying of Congress is still dominated by the American-lsrael Political Action Committee, but its power base today is the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board, chaired by Richard Perle, a Reagan Defense Department veteran. Perle was a co-founder of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), which maintains that there is no difference between Israel's national security interests and America's. It calls for "regime change" not just in Iraq, but in Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and the Palestinian Authority. "Total war," JINSA co-founder and pundit Michael Ledeen (another Iran-Contra figure) calls it. Two other JINSA board members are on the policy board, Adm. David Jeremiah and former CIA Director James Woolsey.
CONTINUED TREASON... angry monkey.