show last night.
Apparently, Ed Schultz was invited on "Scarborough Country" to talk about CBS throwing a party for Dan Rather, but Schultz said no.
Intead, they got Rachel Maddow of Air America Radio's "Unfiltered."
Transcript of Rachel Maddow's appearance: is my paraphrase of remarks Ed Schutlz just made on his radio show about this:
The reason I din't go on Joe Scarborough's show:
I think his show sucks, I think the production is terrible. I don't like his politics.
But that's not why.
(Implies it's the 3 to 1 arrangement)
They had on Dennis Prager, Hugh Hewitt "and a gal from Air America" (Rachel Maddow) because Dan Rather is getting a party from CBS.
Hugh Hewitt and Dennis Prager aren't fit to carry Dan Rather's briefcase.
They will never make as much moey for their comapnies as he has for CBS.
Dan Rather made one mistake in his career, and Hugh Hewitt and Dennis Prager want to hang him.
(Rachel Maddow) did about as good a job as she could have, in a 3 to 1 situation.
Joe Scarborough is a nice guy, but he's not a tv person.
Look at the subject matter - Dan Rather having a party..