Gannon appears not to know about the WSJ article. I thought Cooper was feeding him lines and Guckert was just on there to get the WSJ article mentioned to throw the heat off his possible involvement with the bogus
Memo about Plame/Wilson. :shrug:
Here's a link and a snip...if anyone wants to check this out. It's an interesting article by Raimundo...
Gannon: "I disagree with your characterization of the document itself, but that aside, I maintain that I am under no obligation whatsoever to reveal my sources. That is a fundamental element of maintaining a free press."At this point, Gannon could easily have cited the Wall Street Journal piece. But he didn't. Instead, he reiterated the same point he made to the two FBI agents who supposedly questioned him. According to Gannon's account, he told them the same thing: he couldn't reveal his sources. A Gannon interview with Editor & Publisher reveals:
"He also threw into question media accounts suggesting that he had seen a classified CIA document critical to the Plame case, saying he had made references to the 'internal memo,' but adding, 'I never said I had it or had seen it.' But when asked if he had in fact seen it, he declined to say."While Gannon denied he had been subpoenaed to appear before the grand jury, admitted that he'd been questioned by the FBI, and "hinted" that he had never seen the internal memo, he added:
"I am not going to speak to that. It goes to something of a nature I do not want to discuss."