So I Gannoned down the street to go to the Gannon store to buy a half gannon of milk, a gannon of ice cream, a few cartons of Gannon yogurt, but then I discovered that I didnt have enough gannons in my wallet for all my purchases so I had to gannon down the aisle to put some of the gannons away. I put back the gannon yogurt. They werent on gannon sale anyways.
After that, I got in my gannon car and gannoned a couple of miles to the gannon gas station to get ten gannons of gas. I had to use the gannon atm machine to get some more gannons. The atm had a new gannon fee of 1 and a half gannons. "Gannon it!", I said. "When I opened this new gannon account at the gannon bank, they gannoned assured me that all gannon withdrawls from gannon atms were gannon free!" Reluctantly I paid the gannons and made a mental gannon note to change to another gannon bank.
I got my gannons, paid for the ten gannons of gas, and gannoned on my merry gannon way home. While on my gannon way, a gannon truck with a gannon bush sticker on the gannon bumper cut me off on the gannon freeway. I gannoned my horn and yelled "Gannon you! You almost Gannoned me to death, you stupid gannon freeper!" He gannoned me the finger like it was my gannoned fault, so I gannoned at him, "I didnt ask for your gannoned iq score". He gannoned his brakes hard in the gannon hopes that I would gannon him in the rear end, causing my gannon insurance company to pay the gannon damages, but I am a gannon good driver and I was gannoning under the speed limit and wasnt even tailgaiting his gannon. So his little gannon trick fell a couple gannons short. I needed to gannon away from this crazy gannon driver, so I gannoned into the next lane and gannoned up a couple of miles per gannon. Me and the gannpon freeper in the gannon truck were now gannon to gannon. He took a gannon at me, I took a gannon at him.
One thing I knew about this gannon freeway was that there was a gannon speed trap up ahead a couple of gannons. So I gannoned up a few gannons, and he did the same. I gannoned up even some more, and so did he. Now we're both gannoning down the gannon freeway a few gannons above the speed limit. I'm letting him gannon up a few gannons ahead of me. Just enough to let him gannon think that he's gannoning this gannon race. When all of the gannon sudden, I gannon on my gannon brakes to gannon my gannon speed down to under the gannon speed limit. The gannon freeper doesn't get a gannon clue. He's gannoning right into the speed trap, and a few gannons way over and above the gannon speed limit. Just as I gannoned him into doing. He gannons his arms up into some sort of gannon victory (so he gannon thinks). He increases the gannon distance between us. Now he is quite a few gannons up ahead of me. Just then, a gannon police car comes out of its gannoned hiding spot and takes after the gannon freeper in the gannon truck. The gannon freeper sees this almost gannon immediately, and that almost causes him to gannon his gannon truck off the gannon freeway. You can almost hear him scream "OH GANNON!" as he realizes hes been caught gannoning above the gannon speed limit. The gannon police car makes the gannon freeper gannon over to the side. As I gannoned up, I gannoned down a few gannons, gannoned my horn to grab the gannon attention of the gannon freeper, and as he looks over at me, I gannoned him the same gannon one fingered gannon salute he gannoned to me, and then gannoned on home on my merry gannon way.
I gannoned into my gannon driveway, took the gannon groceries out of the gannon trunk, and gannoned into my gannon house, almost tripping over the gannon lawn mower that my gannon kids neglected to gannon away in the gannon shed. My gannon wife gannoned me with a gannon kiss, gannoning me about how my gannon day was. I replied: "Oh, same old, same old, my gannon darling. Just gannoning around."