Really. Read that again just to be sure you get it. IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THAT WAY.
I firmly believe that the real differences between men and women are minor, and furthermore that anyone who has been through the relationship wars a few times and has more than two neurons competing for bragging rights in their noggin knows already that whatever differences there are simply don't matter.
I can only provide anecdotal evidence to support this point of view, but it's an anecdote I am close to and understand. My wife and I. We truly do not view each other through the filter of our respective sexes; we view each other as we are are, as best we can. We complement each other wonderfully, though as often as not the traditional gender roles are reversed in our relationship. This is not the first marriage for either of us. We lived, we loved, and we learned, before we ever met each other. In our prior relationships we both sought something deeper and more reasoned than the typical love/hate relationships that our friends had.
We were unable to find it in our prior marriages, but when we met each other and compared notes we knew we had finally found the right formula. We both reject with utter derision the roles that traditional society and pop culture would like us to play. For example, I am the disciplinarian usually with our children, but at the same time I also play the "stay at home Mom" role. My wife earns our household income. Whenever we find ourselves in social situations we are amused that the men go off to bond in whatever way they do best while the women often find themselves grouped in the kitchen, telling horror stories about their own husbands. We don't do either of those things, instead we go off on our own, together, to enjoy a sunset or the like. Needless to say we usually aren't invited back.
That's fine with us though. Karen is the best friend I've ever had, and my lifelong partner. She will ALWAYS be the first person I rely on in any crisis, and the first I turn to in times of need. She is my sole source of advice, and the only person I will accept comfort from.
And I am hers.
You may doubt that. I know we did. For some time, years in fact, the only source of potential argument for us was when the inevitable doubts crept in. We simply could not bring ourselves to believe that we weren't deluding ourselves in some way.
We got over that.
Now, we simply are what we are. We do not allow anyone to define what we should be; we simply exist as the people we feel ourselves to be. Gender roles are left behind, they are for other people. In any situation we automatically assess each others skills and divide up the roles accordingly.
If you have read Vonnegut you might refer to us as a true karass. We aren't the only ones I am sure. You can be too, just leave behind all of that GI Joe/Barbie crap and be who you are, forget what anyone else thinks. Think of yourself as an incredibly complex puzzle piece, seeking a perfectly fitting counterpart, in a world that contains millions of possible pieces to be tried and discarded. I think that is where so many people go wrong. They believe that they MUST be involved in some kind of relationship and so are in a rush to get into one. As a result they find someone in their immediate circle they are attracted to and try to make it work. It usually doesn't.
Take your time. Do not accept the best of a bad lot, be content to be alone. Seek about you and find the one who fits. Be patient, they will show up. Eventually.
And then you will feel as fortunate as we do. Believe me, it's worth it.