specifically - I was looking through a brochure from Georgia Tech on their continuing education program and ran across this interesting course:
Becoming Media Wise: How to Work with the News Media Instructor: Kirk Englehardt
Thursdays, March 10-April 14
"The media can help you develop a positive public image or paint you as a villain. Learn the skills needed to score big with the press, while avoiding some common pitfalls. Through this interactive course you will examine media fairness, accuracy, and ethics while exploring the important role the press plays in a free society. "
http://www.pe.gatech.edu/conted/servlet/edu.gatech.conted.course.ViewCourseDetails?COURSE_ID=566I think that considering the goal of Progressives now to make the Media work for the people again, a course like this might be interesting. I'm not sure what other Universities have in their continuing Education programs, but there might be some good nuggets that will ultimately help the cause.