"Moments after enemy fire punctured the fuselage, smoke filled the cockpit of George Herbert Walker Bush’s plane, the Barbara III. The twenty-year-old Navy pilot and his two-man crew had not yet carried out their mission, which was to bomb the island of Chichi Jima. But the plane was plummeting, and flames were nearing the fuel tank. Finally, the payload was dropped, and Bush ordered his crewmen, Ted White and John Delaney, to bail. Hearing no reply, he jumped out himself—
pulling the parachute’s rip cord early and banging his head on the plane, but recovering in time to hit the water safely. Swimming to an emergency life raft that had opened with his jump, he waited to be rescued. Around him, in the swells of the Pacific, White and Delaney were nowhere to be seen. “I cannot get the thought of those two boys out of my mind,” Bush confessed years later."
makes you wonder if Poppy pulling the rip cord too early in his zeal to save his butt was what caused Chimp to not release his parachute straps in the lead up to his Mission Accomplished skit. (Ah wouldn't wanna hit my head like Pappy)
Remember the pic of him with the crotch area of his flightsuit greatly empahsized? I read a pilot's comment that this was because bush was too stupid to release the straps, which is what you do if you know what you're doing. Hence the straps squinched up the whole area making Chris Matthews and other worshippers giddy with delight.