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Dangerous drugs can be avoided by people who

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HysteryDiagnosis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-19-05 07:37 PM
Original message
Dangerous drugs can be avoided by people who
are willing to put a little effort into deciphering what their bodies are trying to tell them......

Too Much Estrogen

As men age past age 40, hormonal changes occur that perceptibly inhibit physical, sexual, and cognitive function. The outward appearance of a typical middle-aged male shows increased abdominal fat and shrinkage of muscle mass, a hallmark effect of hormone imbalance (94-97, 271).1 Loss of a feeling of well-being, sometimes manifesting as depression, is a common psychological complication of hormone imbalance. Until recently, these changes were attributed to "growing old," and men were expected to accept the fact that their bodies were entering into a long degenerative process that would someday result in death.

A remarkable amount of data has been compiled indicating that many of the diseases that middle-aged men begin experiencing, including depression, fatigue, abdominal weight gain, alterations in mood and cognition, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, prostate disease, and heart disease are directly related to hormone imbalances that are correctable with currently available drug and nutrient therapies. The onset of these symptoms usually appears in the early 50s, although with smokers the onset is significantly earlier (290-293).

To the patient's detriment, conventional doctors are increasingly prescribing drugs to treat depression, elevated cholesterol, angina, and a host of other diseases that might be caused by an underlying hormone imbalance.

If doctors checked their male patients' blood levels of estrogen, testosterone, thyroid, and DHEA (instead of prescribing drugs to treat symptoms), they might be surprised to learn that many problems could be eliminated by adjusting hormone levels to fit the profile of a healthy 21-year-old male.
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Warpy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-19-05 07:50 PM
Response to Original message
1. This stuff is great for people who aren't sick or who
aren't too sick.

If you're sick, see a doctor.
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HysteryDiagnosis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-19-05 07:52 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. Absolutely, but read the entire article... and see where it leads.... eom.
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Haymare22 Donating Member (133 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-19-05 07:50 PM
Response to Original message
2. Progest cream for women....... made from wild yams. Women are deficient in this and it makes a HUGE difference, and it not at all harmful. Many compounding pharmacys around now....they also have saliva tests for men and women which give a good idea of hormone levels.
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HysteryDiagnosis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-19-05 07:54 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. Weren't there some clinical trials on BMD and Progesterone done in
the last 10 years or so? I know that low DHEA levels in women is/are associated with osteoporosis... not sure about progesterone.. prolly involved as well.

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Haymare22 Donating Member (133 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-19-05 08:24 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Progesterone is......
Edited on Sat Feb-19-05 08:24 PM by Haymare22
The hormone which keeps bones strong. I dont know about studies as this is not a pharm co DRUG....but there is a wealth of info on the need for adding this to most women's lives, young and old.
Drug co's added 'progestin' as a faux form along with estrogen which did not help many women.

Progest is made from wild yams.
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