Edited on Sat Feb-19-05 10:15 PM by chimpsrsmarter
Bush, Cheney Prepare for 9/11 Panel Meeting (New Gorelick papers released)
Posted by Jeff Gannon to Angelwood On News/Activism 04/29/2004 4:33:19 AM PDT · 30 of 40
From Wednesday's White House press briefing:
JEFF GANNON, TALON NEWS: Is there any agreement between the White House and the 9/11 Commission regarding the President's and the Vice President's remarks tomorrow -- that is not revealing them to the public, and only including them in the report? Or should we expect to see commissioners on television tomorrow afternoon characterizing those remarks?
MR. McCLELLAN: I don't know what the commission's plans are following the meeting. I know that when they met with President Clinton and Vice President Gore, that they put out a statement afterwards and pretty much let that speak for the meeting. But I don't know -- I don't know what their plans are for tomorrow.
JEFF GANNON, TALON NEWS: Is Commissioner Gorelick going to participate in this tomorrow? Or is she going to recuse herself?
MR. McCLELLAN: We've been told that all ten commission members will be present tomorrow. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bush, Cheney Prepare for 9/11 Panel Meeting (New Gorelick papers released)
Posted by Jeff Gannon to Right_in_Virginia On News/Activism 04/28/2004 6:25:26 PM PDT · 20 of 40
From Tuesday's White House press briefing:
JEFF GANNON, TALON NEWS: When former President Clinton appeared before the 9/11 Commission he was accompanied by Sandy Berger and Bruce Lindsey. Will President Bush have anyone with him, besides Vice President Cheney?
MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I believe that Al Gonzales, the White House Counsel, will be present. And I would expect that there would be at least one other additional member of the Counsel's Office present. Obviously, we're still two days away from it, so a few things are still being finalized. But I'll keep you posted if there are additional people present. ------------------------------------------------------------------------