This film, "My Japan" was produced in 1945, exhorting people to buy war bonds. In the process it villifies the Japanese people. From the opening, (with cheesy Asian ching-ching-ching-chong music) in which a caucasian actor is dressed up to be "Japanese" except he 'doesn't have big teeth' and wear "SICK GLASSES", the Japanese are portrayed in a menacing light. the whole flame taunts and inflames the viewer to total war with Japan. ("Rook again! Your bombs cannot destroy Japan!")
You must remember that Americans had witnessed the invasion of Pearl Harbor, the Siege at Nanking and similar events. A horrified nation seeing this film would have little reluctance to the concept of internment camps for anyone of Japanese ancestry. Why, even today the lovely Michelle Malkin (visual aid....)
defends the role of these camps in our history.
9/11 was a similarly traumatizing event for Americans. Lashing out, some Americans killed Muslims (or Indians they thought 'looked' Muslim) in the aftermath. Now, we hear that being liberal is "unAmerican". Liberals, bad. "Heartland values" good. Ann Coulter: Take baseball bats to liberals. Christians can now be gay prostitutes with the party in power's blessing and are forgiven! But they can't marry.
When you read threads about concentration camps being authorized, don't dismiss it right away as "tinfoil" thinking. We have lived through a golden age of relative peace and prosperity, ending in...oh, roughly Summer 2001. Now, 49% of high school students in a durvey believe that newspapers should have "government approval" before publishing anything. ("New generation blase about old freedoms", USA Today 2/15/05 "By all means come to my Japan IF YOU DARE! And welcome, it is beautiful here, as beautiful as the sight of your blood on our bayonets!!!!"
View this film made by the US government and ask yourself if you fit in a category that is being portrayed in the media as "unpatriotic". And keep fighting for freedom.
Streaming QT movie link: