I have been following this strange tale since 2002. A medical examiner in Memphis was found bound with barbed wire with a bomb tied to him outside of his office. The ATF has charged him with faking the incident. His trial began this month. You can find excellent coverage here:
http://www.wreg.com/Global/category.asp?C=62406A rather interesting section of the trial covers the individual's military record here:
http://www.wreg.com/Global/story.asp?S=2928704&nav=3HvEWGLBWhat makes this so interesting? Other than the weirdness of the case itself, there is the fact that this was the ME involved in the Wiley case (the missing scientist who was "blown off of a bridge by a passing truck"), and was also the ME in a case involving a woman who allegedly sold fake ID's.
Whether anything is connected, or not, it will be fascinating to watch.