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It took a hard dose of reality, but I have to live with these folks. Dig?

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Psychoblues99 Donating Member (318 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-10-03 05:11 PM
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It took a hard dose of reality, but I have to live with these folks. Dig?
If there's one thing I hate more than anything else, it's a working person that hangs onto a somewhat repuke rhetoric without considering the history or the TRUE meaning of that bullshit. Can you even begin to understand the frustration that I might feel? Another thing that bugs the hell out of me is a self-professed leftie that insists on throwing their vote to the 4 winds. It's just plain shallow, non-thinking and not ignorance but the ignoring of facts that most frustrate me from the right and the left.

I've been known to vent in big ways here in DU with my screeds about lefties going bonkers against other lefties. There is a better way. That's beside the point I want to make here. About half of the people that I have to deal with and live with are puke inclined. I suspect most of you are similarly afflicted. It's a very sad predicament in my honest opinion. People ought to care more about themselves and their jobs and their environment but I don't run the media. Media is the key. Media is failing us. Still, not the point I'm trying to convey here. They sold us Pintos and Vegas in the early 70's, they continue to sell us bullshit on about every level. A good dose of reality is what is terribly needed right now. Education.

Most folks really don't know. Even many that do know lack the skills necessary to predict or interpret political verbiage against political action. I do know. I've studied it for over 40 years and been elected as an official in at least 21 of those 40 someodd years. I don't know even now if I'm ready to commit to the streets, although I have many times in the past, but I do know that this country as a WHOLE is certainly not ready for political revolution. What to do?

I choose to vote. I choose to vote for the candidate that best represents my interests and that has a promise in hell of actually becoming a legislator. My votes sometimes fail. I recognise the failures, first amongst my own, and then I concentrate on the crossover factors. All contribute about equally, that is to the failures to see our aspirations become realities. That's the real deal that I am most concerned with. If you can't dig this so far, then I doubt if you ever will. That's reality.

I live with and support lefties and I enjoy the companionship of them. I also live with and attempt to convert the puke types. I sometimes succeed. I also live with and try to reason with leftie jerks that will not be persuaded against ultimate failure and confusion. I can't fault you if you don't understand that last statement. That's a reality that I must deal with daily and consumes my abilities here in DU to rectify. Can you dig that?


Dems Gotta Keep On Truckin'.,.,,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,.,.,,.,.,,,,.,,.,.,,.,.,,.,...,.,.,,.,,..,.,,.,.,.,..,,,.,,.,.,,.,,.,,.
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Psychoblues99 Donating Member (318 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-10-03 05:41 PM
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1. At least a comment?

Dems Gotta Keep On Truckin'.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,..,.,.,.,.,,.,,.,,.,.,.,,.,.,.,,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.
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Psychoblues99 Donating Member (318 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-10-03 06:17 PM
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2. Just one more urging and this will be the end of it. Comments?

Dems Gotta Keep On Truckin'.,.,.,,.,,.,.,,.,.,,,.,.,,.,.,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,.,.,.,,.,.,,.,.,.,,.,.,.,.,,.,.,,..,,.,.,
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Bandit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-10-03 06:39 PM
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3. I take it your point is to shut up and get in line.
Or maybe I missed the point. It was kind of rambling. Pragmatism instead of ideals is your point I think. I would hope we can achieve a time when both would apply. I believe until the primaries are complete and our champion is picked it's all up in the air. I will vote my conscience no matter what.
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Psychoblues99 Donating Member (318 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-10-03 06:45 PM
Response to Reply #3
5. No Sirree!!!!!! You took it all wrong, Bandit
But so does most of the selfprofessed leftie population that votes the rest of us into the ground. Be that as it is, I must live with all. Thanks for the encouragement.


Dems Gotta Keep On Truckin'.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,.,,,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,,.,,.,.,,.,,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,.,,
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Psychoblues99 Donating Member (318 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-10-03 06:41 PM
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4. As I see here no argument, I must assume there is no argument.
All you anti-lefties, inadvertant or not, don't let the door hit you on the ass. I hope I don't see your miserable faces or words again. :-)


Dems Gotta Keep On

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cmd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-10-03 07:11 PM
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6. Psychoblues, I agree with you
I live with a lot of non political people who support the current regime. They don't really pay attention to the news, just listen to sound bites. If I bring up politics, I get shot down. It's not that they don't want to hear my message; they don't want to hear any messages. I spend a lot of time picking myself up and starting over again.

I don't engage in dem bashing here at DU. Why feed the enemy? As for trying to reform the jerks, I just don't wrestle with pigs....too much mud. Hang in there. I admire your efforts.
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Squeech Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-10-03 07:17 PM
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7. Here's what I think
If I understand you correctly, your concern here is that people who "ought to know better" just don't.

Let me suggest a couple of possibilities. The easy one is that, like most interesting human endeavors, political thinking is something of a specialization. Just like the subtleties of chord progressions in music are lost on most people who don't play (and even some who do) because they haven't had the ear training, the subtleties of power relationships and economic incentives are only obvious to those of us who've done the research. They may understand when it impacts their every day reality-- "Your boss is fucking with you!"-- but they're not perceiving it in the abstract ("The corporate-friendly policies of the Smirk administration are making it way easier for all bosses to fuck with all workers, and here's how") because they've never had to think that way before, and it's gonna take a lot of explaining on your part just to introduce them to the mode of thought involved.

Related to that is that a lot of people simply can't wrap their minds around the sheer depths of greed and power-lust evidenced by this cabal. I've been rewriting thia paragraph for the last half hour, and it's now blindingly obvious that I can't quite say what I want to say, so I'll just claim that most people are basically well-intentioned, and they believe that most other people are too, and that the way you get to be a leader is by demonstrating superior empathy, so it takes a boatload of contrary evidence before they'll believe Smirky is as corrupt and blackhearted as we think he is.

Actually I consider myself scarred by the knowledge. Sometimes I wish I were so innocent that I couldn't conceive of any greater sin than to get blow jobs from employees with misguided father fixations.
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