There's a great movement started over on SC that I'd like to share:
From the Thread "Send a Shoe to Double-U"
Posted by xxdr_zombiexx:
My Fellow Americans, and Distinguished Citizens of Planet Earth:
For too long now America has been hijacked, kidnapped, car-jacked, robbed, blinded, and generally ruined. The culprits occupy the most powerful positions in this once-great country.
The seek to banish our rights, to silence our dissent, to crush our spirits.
Our pleas for justice are ignored.
The "Send a Shoe to Double-U" movement is a protest movement created out of the pall of despair which hangs over this country like the smoke from a thousand giant fires.
The Fascists want and need for as many people as possible to buy into their fear-mongering and their lies and to do this they need for people to remain "serious" and not make fun, not lampoon, nor satirize, nor make fun of them in any way.
It is against this dark background that the Shoe, a symbol of tremendous disrespect in the world of our Arab nieghbors, needs to thrown at our so-called leaders.
We cannot even get close enough to yel protests slogans but we can mail dirty old shoes to them.
Millions of shoes ending up at the White Castle, at Congress, at the Senate, at local Republicans offices across these historically great United States could be a way to "raise the consciousness" of some of them.
Seriously, a lot of republicans are as pissed off as we are but are not allowed to dissent like we can, they are not allowed to leave the lockstep of the fascsists who have taken over them too.
We shall hold our tongues no more! Our soles should fly free!
Get a stinky old shoe and mail it to W.
Mail it to Bill Frist , to Dennis Hastert, to Paul Wolfowittz, and to the Abmonination, Richard Perle. Mail, mail, mail!
And by all means include some little written blurb cursing them.
Make it so my friends!