Providing false information to Congress about WMDs in Iraq.
2. Providing false testimony to the effect that Iraq was a threat to the U.S.
3. Withholding information about the cost of the Medicare bill.
4. Blowing the cover of an intelligence operative.
5. Imprisoning suspects for months in Gitmo on flimsy or zero evidence.
6. Outsourcing torture of terror suspects, again with flimsy or zero evidence.
7. Neglecting terrorism in favor of Iraq and missile defense in the first eight months of 2001.
8. Tasking the Secretary of State to go before the UN and lie like a rug.
9. Using resources of the IRS and Treasury Department for political propaganda.
10. Diverting money appropriated by Congress for Afghanistan to planning the Iraq invasion.
11. Withholding information about the cost in terms of money and personnel deployment of the Iraq invasion.
12. Under-provisioning and manning the Iraq invasion out of political considerations.
13. Failing to provide sufficient manpower to establish order in Iraq, post-invasion, leading to widespread misery and casualties all around.
14. Endorsement of the Likud government's land grab on the West Bank, reversing decades of U.S. policy and exposing the American people to the threat of Palestinian terrorism.
15. Sabotage of the U.S. revenue system, generating unsustainable deficits.
16. Destroying rights of public employees in the Department of Defense.