Written by Josh Wolf a senior writer at entertainment weekly, Pretty funny how they actually put Drudge on TV because of this. This article explains how much of douche Drudge is.
It also bears noting that this wasn't the first time Drudge proved unable (or unwilling) to grasp Rock's humor. On Jan. 28, a wire story reported an Oscar press conference in which Cates was asked how he chose Rock to be host. After Cates began saying that Billy Crystal was on Broadway and Steve Martin was doing a movie, Rock interrupted, adding, ''Ellen DeGeneres has crabs. Jay Leno's got a gig. They got to the R's. Burt Reynolds said no.'' How did Drudge link to this story? With the ludicrous headline, ''OSCAR HOST CHRIS ROCK: 'Ellen DeGeneres has crabs'...'' Was this interpretation oblivious, humorless, or simply malicious?
When Drudge sensed that his ''exclusive'' based on my quotes was catching on, he pushed it further, heading to Hannity and Colmes on Feb. 14 to keep it alive. But his approach was more activist: He now warned against Rock as a horrible, ''lewd'' spokesman for Hollywood to the rest of the globe watching the awards. He cited routines from Rock's 2004 Emmy-nominated HBO special, Never Scared, pulled wildly out of context. In a bit about the freedoms in America, Rock says ''it's beautiful abortion is legal,'' which Drudge twisted to ''abortion, it's beautiful.'' Then Drudge disparagingly cited Rock's reference to ''weird white guys getting overly patriotic with their flag hats on,'' and snorted that Rock must find the flag waving on Fox News ''weird'' too. Rock's routine is actually about how patriotism after Sept. 11 slowly devolved from a pure, refreshing love of country into ''hatriotism,'' where some people used jingoism as a pretext to say they hated all foreigners. Which is not a far leap from wrapping yourself in the flag to silence a comedian you don't agree with.