Edited on Mon Feb-21-05 09:40 AM by The Whiskey Priest
In light of congressional actions taken over the last five years can the average consumer feel confident about entering the market place? I am defining the market place as the social arena of economic exchange.
Today the consumer must be extremely wary of engaging in any economic activity. Last week with a resounding boom the congress has slammed shut the doors of courthouse. The consumer is now without even the pretense of recourse to economic justice. Of course we all can rest easy knowing the high ethical standards of the market place. The scoundrels, cheats and thieves that eight days ago abounded within the market place have now undergone some sort of epiphany which has left them with a moral code that is second to none.
There will be no Enron’s artificially inflating cost, there will be no company computing the cost for a few deaths into their products. Besides, we have the federal regulators who we all know are looking out for our best interest. Take the FDA, they would not knowingly allow drugs on the market that could lead to death and injury. Would they?