This came to me this morning.
The homosexual prostitution is the sleazy part of the story, and is an incredible scandal on its own.
But the thing now bothering me is the pattern of blatant intelligence failure and cover up.
We know about the Richard Clarke memo on Osama Bin Laden. We know about the senior field agent in the FBI that brought forth concerns about flight school students. We know about the French intelligence agencies that voiced and shared concerns over the Taliban with the United States prior to September 11th.
But this brought forth the idea in my head that the Gannon story is a sort of proof positive that the Bush plan for the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, and other police state formalities are total and utter failures. I've long thought that this country would need another major terrorist attack to see that Bush has failed at even protecting the lives of United States citizens. This would clinch to the American public that Bush doesn't have the ability to be a good leader.
And then along came a bombshell: Jeff Gannon/James Daniels Guckert. This guy was let past the United States Secret Service without any check as to the nature of his history. Running an alias, having back taxes, partaking and/or managing male prostitution services, and having ties to a news organization that is a front for not one, but two partisan activist groups (GOPUSA and Millions Of Americans). This guy managed to get regular press passes to White House briefings. He even got to go in front of the President to ask questions. And to top it all off, there are still suspicions that he had a HARD PASS to press meetings.
But the thing that caught me off guard was a comment made on another
DU thread. The poster here made an observation about Shock and Awe. The post:
The reason we struck the first assault on Baghdad was because we had intel on where Saddam was and needed to act quickly. Does anyone remember this?
Gannon knew FOUR HOURS before the first assault that it was going to happen.
If both of these are true, why did we wait until Saddam had time to leave?
This represents an insight into the scope of intelligence failures surrounding Gannon/Guckert. I would ask of DUers to please respond to this thread with other observations, comments, corrections, and other valuable input on this subject.