This one made me want to either laugh or cry.
From today's Richmond Times-Dispatch...
Condoleezza Rice Made U.S. History Editor, Times-Dispatch: Mark January 26, 2005, on the calendar! It is one of the great historic days in black history and in the American march toward freedom. On this day, Condoleezza Rice, a black American woman nominated by President George Bush and succeeding the great Colin Powell, became Secretary of State of the United States of America. Sitting in the seat once held by Thomas Jefferson, Ms. Rice now is the face of America to every nation in the world.
Surely there is no American story more inspiring than this! Raised in segregationist Birmingham during the Bull Connor era; friend and schoolmate of the black Sunday-School girls who were killed in a Birmingham church burned by racist murderers; rising by hard work and intellectual brilliance to heights in academia, culminating in the lofty position of provost at Stanford; acclaimed as a foreign policy expert and adviser to two Presidents -- Condoleezza Rice is the realization of the dreams of a race and the product of the long, hard struggle of men and women such as Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King, Jr., and those whites who stood and fought with them.
Let celebrations be heard from Birmingham and Washington, and from one coast to the other. Let black and white America raise and toast and say a prayer for a great black woman who carries on her small frame the pride and hopes of millions who occupy the vast continents of the Earth. Arthur S. Jones. midlothian.
I'd be willing to bet on what race Mr. Jones is. Just sayin'...