i.e. if you earn the maximum of $90,000 a year for 40 years you'll actually pay into Social Security, your share and the employer's share $446,400 ($90,000 * .124 ss% * 40 years). You will then start receiving $36,501 per year (adjusted for inflation) under the current plan, while under Bush's plan you'll get just $23,794 per year. There is an at risk condition though under Bush's proposal and that has to do with the privatized portion. It would yield supposedly $15,916 of the $23,794, which if you played the game wrong you could loose all of it and actually end up with only $7,878 guaranteed. That would be almost a $29,000 per year difference.
This is a no brainer $36,501 guaranteed or $7,878 guaranteed with up to $15,916 leaving you still short by almost $13,000 per year. Bush says you get to keep a nest egg, but the nest egg is paid back to the fund so whats the deal?
Now, I would be willing to do one of the following:
A. Increase the social security contribution, putting the increase in contribution toward the nest egg that I get to keep and pass on to my heirs
B. Increase the cap fund say from $90,000 immediately to $250,000, get the program trust fund stable, then allow a limited portion of contributions to go into a private account for the nest egg
C. Make the cap fund unlimited so that all income is tapped for social security, establish the base trust fund, then allow increments of limited private investments to provide the nest-eggs
D. Allow voluntary limits to benefit draws (if at retirement I don't need all of the money, because I have a retirement plan, or am able to work longer) so that those funds could go into the nest egg.
I agree that savings must be increased, but why must only the wealthy be able to save, while the rest of us have to consume or forfeit what we are entitled to?