careless moment by some store employees could lead to months of hard work by thousands of store customers, who might be forced to reclaim their credit standings.
This week, Blockbuster customers learned their credit information might not have been secure with store personnel.
Personal account numbers could have fallen into the wrong hands after store employees discarded the information into a trash bin behind the Ennis Blockbuster location.According to police,
identity thieves went "Dumpster diving" in the trash container and found thousands of store records that included credit card numbers. Investigators played a store surveillance tape for NBC 5 that showed a woman loading hundreds of dollars' worth of merchandise into her shopping cart. The woman paid for the goods with a prepaid MasterCard, but the account number had been stolen. Police said the suspects found 90 pages of credit card numbers inside the Dumpsters. Detectives have recovered only two of those pages.