Edited on Wed Sep-10-03 10:21 PM by WhoCountsTheVotes
Bill Clinton would be the first to deny it - he would say that he had plenty of help. First of all from Hillary Clinton his wife, he obviously would never have made it as far as he did without her. Clinton would be the first to admit that his Rhodes scholarship and the wealthy, well connected people he met got him where he is now, a twice elected President with an unmatched record of peace and prosperity.
Clinton's flaws were many. He sold out his fellow working class Americans for corporate money in his disgusting support for NAFTA and the WTO. His "welfare reform" was nothing but odious pandering to the Newt Gingrich vote. His blind-eye to corporate crimes against humanity and the coup against Aristide's parties in Haiti showed that he was a go-along President when it came to foreign policy and economic imperialism. Bill Clinton was a politician in every sense of the word. Being a pragmatist myself, I think Clinton was the best the Democratic party could do, since we rely on corporate money and the wealthy half-percenters so much.
Still, I'd rather have Clinton than the incompetent trust fund baby Bush that we have now. That's the difference between a self-made man like Bill Clinton and an elitist fool like George W. Bush Jr. Clinton had to be smart to get where he is today, Bush just had to read speeches and do what his handlers said. That's why Clinton is cheered around the world when he gives speeches, and the Secret Service had to speed Bush's limo away from the angry crowds of protestors on his fraudulent inauguration day.
Remember when Clinton left office and they called him "white trash", a "grifter", told lies that he stole furniture from the White House, and spread all sorts of bigoted slander against his family? The rich white liberals, Ayn-Rand libertarians, and cheap labor conservatives in the corporate press couldn't wait to dump all over him. These people actually believed that since Bush grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth, he would bring "class" and "dignity" back to the White House. 3,000 dead on 911, unknown numbers of US troops, and half a million jobs lost to Communist and totalitarian slave labor states show what a moronic notion that was.
I'll take a middle class American who made it to the top through hard work, determination, and intelligence any day. That's why I'm supporting Dennis Kucinich, Carol Moseley-Braun, Richard Gephardt, Al Sharpton, John Edwards, and Wesley Clark for President.
All of these candidates have proven themselves to be capable by what they have achieved in their life. These Democratic candidates have lived the American dream - their intelligence, hard work, and determination paid off, and they didn't rely on daddy's money or the wife's fortune or their presidential or Senator father to get where they are today. Just like Bill Clinton, they worked hard and with help and luck they made it work. I would be proud of any of them as President of the United States, and so would most Americans.
Here's to the Democratic party being the majority from 2004 on!