shi'a has been one of the more unusual religious movements in that it was/is a 'religious secular movement.' (head explody probably begins now)
basically the shi'a saw mixing religion with the day-to-day politics of governance would corrupt both the state and (more importantly) religion; one of the reasons, issues of succession and power grabs, part what led to the death of the last descendent of muhammed, shows that mixing both causes problems. so, oddly, as islam started religious existence as both a religious system and a political system due to necessity, shi'a found that this would not do.
so they wanted to let the sunnis control the political sphere whereas they would stay outside of it and try to keep the gov't honest by working to keep the encroachment of both into the other from happening -- essentially secularism, but from the religious angle that religion be free from the taint of state politics, whereas most of europe came to it that the state be free from the taint of religion. this explains why shi'a gov't states (the political power holding elite, not the general populace) were essentially unheard of throughout history, and even today out of the 25+ islamic countries only 1, iran, is a shi'a ran gov't.
but, sometimes around 1800s a phenomenon occured (along with most religions), a new strain of a fundamentalism streak appeared in shi'a. and for one of the rare times (or first time, i have to double check) a shi'a state gov't came into existence. seems like the original respect and push towards a secular society (from the religious angle) started to be attacked as insufficient against the modern stresses of colonialism, industrialization, etc. supposedly there's still a lot of heated discussion to this new reading of shi'a's role in society/power dynamics not being true to the shi'a viewpoint.
like i said, bizarre -- but beautiful! what you are seeing now in terms of gaining reins of political power is a definite kink in the history -- but a lot of religions are freaking out lately these past 100+ years. i'd expect to see more freaky-deaky things as the fundamentalists clash in some last hurrah before we all start settling down from the modern/post-modern shocks.
(ps: please look it up! don't take just my word for it. i could've been reading garbage books and kooky websites without knowing it)