The 'Guardian' temperament might seem like a match, but I'd say it somewhat distills an autocratic temperament rather than an authoritarian one. We probably need to remember that authoritarianism is the (possibly specialized) follower/leader presumption (looking for a father/coach figure) while the autocratic is the boss-of-all (hand of God) viewpoint. The former is far more prevalent in a 'meritocracy' among all levels of presumably attainable 'leadership' (like the military, E5 through O9) while the latter accommodates little churn. Authoritarians populate all levels of a hierarchical social 'order' to varying degrees while autocrats tend to view themselves 'divinely' at the top of some social subculture, where they self-servingly amplify the segregation of that subculture. (Think Jim Jones.)
So, it seems to me that authoritarinism pervades (to differing degrees) much of Kiersey's types. Consider also the "Rationals". There is a 'divine' theme in assuming that intellectual ability is an innate talent -- either you got it or you don't -- God-given. Where there's a worldview that the more intelligent are deemed more qualified to have authority over others, it borders on autocratic but is clearly a form of authoritarianism. Thatcher, Eisenhower, Gates, Catherine II, Disney, and Ayn Rand were all regarded as "Rationals" -- a subset of which are nominally "The Fieldmarshals".
As a bimodal ENxp (ENFP/ENTP, only slightly more P than J; 80-20 E-I, 90-10 N-S, 50-50 T-F, 50-40 P-J), I have a (at one time heavier) dose of this myself.
Note: For those lost in the above "Keirsey-speak" (or Myers-Briggs) see