Suckin' at the teat of the already developed communites!
Just to add fuel to the fire over Urban v. Suburban developments:-)
Conservation pays, Greenfield Developments cost big bucks.
This is taken from a summary of
this pdf document.
· “Land conservation is often less expensive for local governments than suburban style development. The old adage that cows do not send their children to school expresses a documented fact—that farms and other types of open land, far from being a drain on local taxes, actually subsidize local government by generating far more in property taxes than they demand in services.”
· "Studies show that for every $1.00 collected in taxes, residential development costs between $1.04 and $1.67 in services -- and these costs continue forever, generally increasing over time. Even including the initial cost of acquisition, open space is less costly to taxpayers over both the short and the long term than development of the same parcel. The major public costs to preserve natural areas are finite, often paid by a bond or loan over 20 years.”
· The permanent protection of a parcel is more likely to redirect growth than preclude development. Over the long term, the amount of development a given town is likely to see will probably not be changed by the conservation of a single parcel. Instead, the conservation of certain key parcels may influence both the location and pattern of future development. This may make providing municipal services more efficient and cheaper; it may help the town meet its other goals; and it may make other property in town more valuable, resulting in increased tax revenues.
Ok, the fact is that I'm a child of the Suburbs myself, so my affinity for the bikepaths, neat streets, an the 7-11 that sold beer to me with a fake ID is dear to my heart.
But as the Federal Gummint devolves and pushes more societal responsibilities down to States, Counties and Cities, we really need to be more thoughtful in our pursuit of prissied up cow-field enclaves.
What I'm asking is that we be "smart" about growth and not so stupid and selfish:-)
EDIT: I should add that there's a Ethnicity issue hear too that we need to be congnizant of...