The "Big Five" nations determining how the rest of the world goes about business is undemocratic and stupid. It should be dismantled. It is weak and ineffective and is ultimately a tool of the US corporate elite. The US, Britain, France, China and Russia have no right dictating to any country regarding human rights or anything else for that matter.
I have felt that many of us on the left are a little naive when thinkin of the UN in general. Ted Kennedy was right when he called those nations that joined the "coalition of the willing" the coalition of the coerced and bribed.
I think what set me off on this rant now, was that I was just reading about Rwanda and that really makes me think the UN is hardly even serving a purpose, with the exception of maybe UNICEF.
For example, did you know that on April 21 of '94, over a 100 thousand had been murdered, and the the U.S. and the ENTIRE U.N. Security Council vote to withdraw 90% of the peacekeepers in Rwanda?