for the most part, but now enough has gotten out so that FAUX "news" had to finally post something - albeit wrapped in the softest kid gloves that they could.
Today, jeffgannon.com has come back to life - plenty of rationalizing, links to other conservative blogs of support (It's all a lefty conspiracy into his private life, didn't ya know?)
Andrew Sullivan finally has a little something to say, mostly that we on the left are wrong, but it's the first acknowledgement of the entire episode.
We should look forward to a Sludge report ***Breaking***, more comments on InSannity and OxyRush.
I'm amazed that it took them this long to get their message together, I guess they hoped it would go away. Don't hold your breath waiting for the radical clerics Dobson, Falwell or Robertson to mention anything - this is one battle they want to stay clear of. The only possible way they can support the message is through that time-honored "the left is persecuting Christians again - we need more money to save our small, fragile religion".
After all, Jeff/James Gan/Guck has repented, been forgiven and all that - let's just ignore the part that someone truly repentant would have taken down the less then modest websites advertising for illegal acts. And hasn't expressed any public sorrow besides getting caught.
Oh for the days to see William Jefferson Clinton make a public apology for his wrongdoing; if only the rest of them could come so clean. But the party of "personal responsibility" only seems to say that they are sorry BECAUSE it's everyone else's fault.