The following was sent to the good people at Military Families Speak Out( they are strongly motivated to actually fight back, unlike way too many others (see: It is an ANGRY letter, as befits the subject. I am reproducing it here in the hope that it might also motivate you.Dear Sir or Madam;
I have many friends in the military, several nephews and nieces nearing draftable age, and am a Vietnam veteran myself. My family has been in this country since 1620, and has served it honorably on occasions too numerous to mention. I have been, but am no longer, a patriot. Indeed, I am now deeply embarrassed to be called an American.
The principles that my ancestors fought valiantly for, and I thought in my youth that I was fighting for, have been so corrupted and over-ridden by greedy individuals within our society that they are no longer recognizable. America, a place of justice, honest dealing, opportunity and democracy . . . is no more. It has been replaced by rigged elections, bought-and-paid-for politicians, the trashing of our Bill of Rights, aggressive war against innocent and essentially unarmed countries based on a foundation of lies . . . and we now even condone torture. How much lower can we go? Baby raping? We already murder babies by the tens of thousands!
Our President claims that he and we are a Christian country. Perhaps he is right. And if he is, then these Christians had better hope fervently that there is no God. Because if there is He will not be so stupid that he accepts a few saccharin prayers in lieu of honorable behavior . . . which most certainly does NOT include lying, stealing, coveting the assets of others . . . or mass murder. Indeed, the instruction manual He has provided is quite plain about those particular four now-common American Christian practices. I refer, of course, to the rules of behavior listed in Exodus 20.
I hate this war and everything it stands for!
I had thought that the majority of my fellow Americans would be willing to stand up to the fascism that has swept our beautiful and honorable traditions into the sea of greed so lavishly promoted by the Corporate Media . . . but their collective silence is deafening. Americans actually seem to welcome the “security” of enslavement, and when such thoughts bother them they banish the discomfort by turning their minds over to that same Media for a fresh brain-wash gussied up as “entertainment.” They make me ashamed to be one of them.
I had thought that perhaps my fellow Americans simply didn’t know how to fight the plague that is upon us all, so I wrote essays explaining how . . . to no avail. And I taught myself how to put up web pages where they could fight back with hardly any effort on their part . . . to no avail. One only asked for a pledge to provide part of a bounty to be paid for evidence leading to convictions for election fraud, but hardly anyone responded. The second asked for more, to help promote citizen’s initiatives against bribery, because the very foundation stone of our current problems is the fact that our corporations bribe our politicians with their massive “campaign contributions.” The result is clearly that our politicians represent the people that get them elected, not us. War is a high-profit enterprise. So far this second web site has only 20 volunteers. Not enough!
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said it well:
"History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people." I have sought you out because of your particular and very special need. Unlike the great majority of Americans you cannot be complacent about the situation our country is in, because the fact of your loved-one’s vulnerability, or worse, is a cold and hard reminder that simply cannot be ignored. I hope that you are, as I am, mad as hell and willing to actually work to turn this situation around. We need to work together and tear our country away from the grasping hands that wish only to use it for their own gain. We need to cleanse our souls together by insisting that our country behave honorably, be just, be democratic. We need to solve our national problems with rational procedures, not the theft of others resources. We can do these things! The key to this goal is to break the money link between the corporations that profit from war and the politicians that profit from corporate largess. This is what we are trying to do at Please join with us!
William B. Cushman