Interestingly, about, oh, a month or two after September 11th I was in Oman, meeting with the sultan of Oman in a tent south of his country -- he was visiting his constituents. And he said, "You know, as terrible as September 11th was, it may very well be that it's a blessing in disguise." And I said, "How so?" And he said that it was terrible, the loss of 3,000 human beings, but he said if it will awake the world, if it will cause us to act, if it will cause people to stop people from teaching it is a good thing to kill innocent men, women and children -- if that were to happen before we had a September 11th, where now 3,000 were killed, but 30,000 or 300,000 -- through a biological attack, or whatever -- he said then it would have served a useful purpose.
As the president said in his address to the country, "For America, there will be no going back to the era before September 11th, 2001, to false comfort in a dangerous world. We have learned that terrorist attacks are not caused by the use of strength, they are invited by the perception of weakness." war fighting a never-ending evil