The Chimp made this claim during a campaign in 1978 --
27 years ago. He was a liar then. Anyone with half a brain should know that he's lying now. :grr: Anyone with a full brain should know that he's lying all the time. :grr:
* = All Lies, All the Time.
- - - - - Bush, a Long Embrace of Social Security Plan
New York Times
Published: February 27, 2005
Mr. Bush had long been intrigued by the idea of allowing workers to put part of their Social Security taxes into stocks and bonds. One Tuesday in the summer of 1978, in the heat of his unsuccessful race for a House seat from West Texas, Mr. Bush went to Midland Country Club to give a campaign speech to local real estate agents and discussed the issue in terms not much different from those he uses now.
Social Security "will be bust in 10 years unless there are some changes," he said, according to an account published the next day in The Midland Reporter-Telegram.
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