Bush's political apparaticheks use a lot of the same tactics, the same kinds of demagoguery...
Just substitute the word 'homo' for how Hitler painted the Jews, and you'll get the idea. No special privileges for 'them', they're somehow less than human, a danger to your kids, they're promoting an agenda, their lives aren't 'pure' or 'virtuous', they shouldn't have the same responsibilities or rights as the rest of us...it goes on and on.
The difference between Hitler and Bush is this; Hitler was coldly counting on the consequences of his rhetoric and his alliances. I don't think Bush actually ever reflects on the consequences of his actions, not for a moment.
He just spews a message of fear, rattles a saber (sometimes unsheathing it), and gobbles money and power like they're Peperidge Farm Goldfish.
He seems believe all of this nonsense about spreading freedom. Freedom isn't spread at the barrel of a gun; it's defended at the barrel of a gun. The second we started a war without provocation, we lost the right to claim that we were spreading anything but bullshit.
Which is more dangerous? The calculating demagogue, or the reckless one?