while cleaning up my bookmarks, I ran across a chart of how the Senate voted on BushCo's bankruptcy "reform" bill in 2001 . . . it passed 83-15, with
only 13 Democrats voting against it: Corzine, Dayton, Dodd, Durbin, Feingold, Harkin, Kennedy, Kerry, Nelson (FL), Reed, Rockefeller, Sarbanes, and Wellstone . . . all the rest -- including Senators Biden, Cleland, Clinton, Daschle, Edwards, Feinstein, Leahy, Levin, Lieberman, Mikulski, Murray, Schumer, and Sarbanes -- voted for it (except Boxer, who did not vote) . . . this does not bode well for the current BushCo push to re-introduce this legislation and get it passed . . . and shows what a bunch of chickenshit Bush enablers most Democratic senators actually are . . .