Today (Sunday Feb. 27, 2005) Daily comics in the papers.
Doonesbury made a excellent statement about bu$h and his partners in crime. It is a must read. was equally great in the statement it made. I could not find it on line but the story has Opus the penguin preparing for the day, putting body lotion on, trimming nose hair, blow drying, bikini waxing then putting on underpants and running though the house singing "I;m gonna wash that man right outa my hair", The man of the house yells Hey If they can nail sponge-bob, they can get you!.
I mentioned to my wife, that I don't remember so many outlets that were making political statements, mentioning West Wing, Jack & Bobbie and other shows we watch and even the comics. Yes Doonesbury has always been political but so many others are now getting involved.
Her statement was that maybe we lost in November but that does not mean we have to take is sitting down and this is one way to make a statement.
I think this is a good way to surpass the SC-MSM and get a message across, the intelligent will get the message the ignorant will blindly follow popular opinion.