A post in GENERAL picqued my interest -
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=104&topic_id=3189121&mesg_id=3189121In Massachusetts, to be a leader of a youth group, one must pass a CORI and & SORI (criminal * sex offender) background check. A step in the right direction, but I see some areas needing improvement:
1. FREQUENCY - It appears to be a one-time check. Leaders who volunteer over a longer time period may pass the initial checks, only later to break the law, and be "grandfathered".
2. NOT IN EVERY STATE - My teen son needed to do this to be a summer camp counselor in Massachusetts, but not in New Hampshire.
3. NO TEETH - As a soccer coach, although required, my town club / the league never tole me to submit applications. As an adult volunteer who stayed 1 week at a boy scout summer camp and who has gone on many weekend camping trips, the local troop and the council have never required me to submit CORI and SORI applications.
For more info on CORI and SORI, go to
http://www.mass.gov/chsb/cori/cori.html &
1. The Massachusetts laws lack verification that all adult leaders have approved forms on file.
2. The program is not national.
Let's discuss this issue, form a concensus, and petition our state reps to create/tighten the existing laws, and for our Congresspeople to adopt a national standard.