If i'm not mistaken, there has not yet been any major legislation allowing for federal $ to go to religious organizations. Chimp has tried to force change via executive order but these have been minor and insubstantial.
Recall former high-ranking operatives in charge of pushing the FBI have been critical of the adminstration's comittment and methods.
Now Kuo has asked painfully, "Will this be the largest unfulfilled promise of this administration?" And his question is reverberating around official Washington.
The "armies of compassion" that candidate Bush promised to fund "to fight a very different war against poverty and hopelessness" are more poorly equipped than the troops in Iraq on a bad day. Only a fraction of the $8 billion a year that Bush pledged has been allocated. Some new programs are "new" only thanks to creative accounting: Laura Bush's $50 million-a-year "gang prevention initiative," for instance, is paid for out of funds earmarked for another faith-based effort.
All that being said, if ever such a policy is approved, it would likely and properly be met with a flurry of legal challenges. NO WAY this is NOT establishment!