A Plot Thickens
Three Decades After Chile's Right-Wing Coup, Historians Have Yet to Dot All the i's. But One Thinks He May Have Crossed a K.
Maxwell's writings {a book review of The Pinochet Files in Foreign Relations Journal} indeed upset Kissinger, say Kissinger's associates. Maxwell had revisited a bitter debate, still red-hot after three decades, about Chile and Kissinger and the depth of U.S. involvement in the fall of one regime and the rise of another.
Falcoff placed his piece {a rebuttal of Maxwell's book review, in which he defends Kissinger} in Commentary, where it ran in November 2003 under the headline "Kissinger and Chile: The Myth That Will Not Die."
In it, he quotes from the Kissinger transcripts -- or rather, he misquotes them.
It is a Sept. 16, 1973, chat between Kissinger and Nixon, discussing the anti-Allende coup that occurred five days earlier. The actual telephone transcript reads:
Nixon: "Well, we didn't -- as you know -- our hand doesn't show on this one though."
Kissinger: "We didn't do it. I mean we helped them. ________ created the conditions as great as possible."
But Falcoff ended Kissinger's quote at "We didn't do it."
Falcoff, who had seen the full quote, said he was not trying to alter history, not trying to create a myth of his own.
"I made a mistake," he said when asked repeatedly. "I should have put that part of the quote in the article. I should have done that."
The Journal refuses to allow Maxwell to publish a rebuttal to Falcoff's piece, so Maxwell leaves for a job at Harvard.
The whole story is very interesting.